i love how certain bike lanes in certain neighborhoods are the first casualty of winter

Sarcasm of course.

The other day i was riding down Warren Street between kedzie and western and half the cars are parked in the bike lane which i guess is more convenient than trying to park closer to the curb with all the snow piles. The bike lane also act as storage for snow. So im pushed into the street while cars fly past me inches away and honk at me like im inconveniencing them.

By contrast the bike lane on dearborn street downtown has been nicely maintained.

What are some other bike lanes that are honored in winter? What bike lanes are the first casualty?

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VW, I believe what you're seeing is 'normal' conditions for many bike lanes in the areas away from downtown. Division and Augusta were similar to what you were seeing on Warren. I've been asking about bike lane conditions on my thread *Observations* from "Ice Station Zebra" with very little response. It's just the way it is for winter cycling. There's no place to put the snow. Winter is war ! Even worse is coming ! Battle on ! We're still in this fight ! At least till April !
I think there is a better place to put the snow in many instances. In my Warren street example, all of those people should be ticketed! They are capable of getting closer to the curb. If it was a street where there was no bike lane and they were blocking a lane of CAR traffic theyd be ticketed and towed.

I will battle on but it's good to vent here too.
VW, we are very near election day, try calling your alderman and mayor's office and making your views known to him. Tuesday, February 24, is election day. Every aspect of city life affects how I vote on election day. I know who, and why I'm voting for them, do you ? Don't only vent, act ! Power ! To people who bike !
Yes i do. That stretch of Warren street is not in my ward. I already know who im voting for and it's not the incumbents.

I've been taking Clybourn into work instead of Elston for the reasons Cameron mentioned. Even then there is snow in the parking lane so most cars are parked in the bike lane forcing me to ride just outside of it. Thankfully most traffic has been cool about it and although a few drivers will pass me closer than I like, no one has been particularly aggressive. It's only been the stretch between Halsted and Larrabee that has been a bit hairy since drivers tend to speed on those blocks. 

Part of what sticks in my craw is the principle of the thing.

Like when an entire line of cars is parked in the bike lane, it sends the message that the bike lane is completely expendable and bikes are a low priority and the city is tacitly approving by not ticketing or towing.

I dont think it would take much to change that culture and mindset. We just need the city to enforce the laws it already has!

I emailed Walter Burnett Jr and facebook messaged his opponent Gabe Beukinga btw.

Maybe one of them will respond.
Hahaha indeed

I reported that a bit of Milwaukee Ave.'s protected bike lane was pure ice the other day (south of Ogden). I'm never had a wipeout like that...in 20+ years of biking in the city. It's a new phenomenon for me to deal with these "protected" bike lanes that are not well maintained, plowed, salted, etc. often enough in the winter. I was surprised by the ice, because my entire commute that morning was fantastic and ice-free...until I hit the protected bike lane. It looked clear, but I should have stayed out. I didn't realize it had received zero maintenance/salt, like the rest of the bike lanes in "unprotected" stretches...which benefit from spillover salt and plowing from regular street maintenance/trucks. It's a week later, and I hurt my back so bad, I'm probably another week from being able to get back on my bike. I'm going to be staying clear of protected bike lanes in the winter, riding in (now narrowed) car lanes to stay safe from the under-maintained "protected" lanes. Until the city figures out how to properly maintain the closed off bike lanes in the winter, I think adding more of these are a poor idea and negatively impact winter bike commuters. I wish there was a way to add removable plastic barriers that could be taken out in the winter so the bike lanes could be plowed and salted properly with the trucks that do an adequate job. What they do now in the protected lanes is a joke. 

Brian, I remember you from the "Danger Milwaukee ave sheet of ice" thread. I hope your back improves. I'm a bad back person also. Backs are tricky things. Did you see your health care professional or are you treating it yourself? It would sure help if this cold weather would end. We're starting to go into the fourth month of winter. Enough already! Take care!

The bike lanes along Harison border on useles; they're filled with snow and         on most other days they become convient express lanes for frustrated drivers. I miss the days when there were no bike lanes. Most of these winter bike lane issues didnt exist and you rode with traffic, for better or worse.

Thanks Tom A.K., when I couldn't move/get out of bed the day after my crash, I knew it was time to see a doctor, pronto. Scared the life out of me. No broken bones. But needed some heavy duty pain relief to be able to walk last week. Feeling a lot better after a week...but still a little sore. Hopefully back in the saddle in the next week or two...hard to take the El after biking every day for years. Didn't realize one could wreck their back so badly with one slip on the ice. 

I also slipped and fell off my bike on that recent black ice day. My bike basket broke but i was fortunately ok. Hope you feel better soon Brian.


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