Normally I don't like when fortune cookie fortunes are not really fortunes, but this one seems welcome today.

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I ate three fortune cookies today in an attempt to get one I  liked. The final one said "It's time to treat yourself to something special." Unfortunately it may have meant the three f. cookies I had downed...

I often don't even read the fortune but that sometimes brings ire from others who are at the table with me.


So much for the fight against superstition.


Once I got a fortune cookie that said, "A man's most valuable possession is a sympathetic wife." (emphasis mine)


Wow, that one surely made me more accepting of silly superstitious hogwash.  Now it is misogynistic superstitious hogwash!



Katie Paffhouse said:

I ate three fortune cookies today in an attempt to get one I  liked. The final one said "It's time to treat yourself to something special." Unfortunately it may have meant the three f. cookies I had downed...


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