I hate to bring this up amidst all the recent bike thefts. . .

but I actually need to know if someone can get a u-lock off a frame for me. I bought this little Centurion Caveletto at an estate sale in Willow Springs, and it came with ancient u-lock around the frame. I looked through every box in the house for the key, but it wasn't there. Someone in my building tried to get it off with a 24" bolt-cutter, but it barely left a mark. I have no idea how a thief can cut through a  u-lock with a bolt-cutter. Can anyone help me get this thing off so I can ride this bike without doing more damage to what is otherwise a well-preserved paint job? I live in McKinley Park. 

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AFAIK bike thieves use bolt cutters on cable locks, angle grinders on U-locks. If you've got a regular bike shop you go to, where they know you're not a thief, maybe they will cut it for you.
A reciprocating saw was tried on this--my friend in the building works with steel and brought the saw and the bolt-cutter from work. Neither made a scratch. I tried a hacksaw and that never even penetrated into the steel. This is like some cheap Ace U-lock and it seems impenetrable to me. Restored my faith in U-locks, for whatever that is worth. At least I know I can't break them off.
You could probably rent an angle grinder from home depot.

Bring it with your busted wheel to Build night next monday (not tomorrow!) and I will cut it off for you and fix your wheel to boot!

Cheers - Lee
I cut a U-lock with bolt cutters once. The trick is to put the handle on the ground and a knee on the other handle then bounce with all your weight on it.
HI Moc Artsy,

If you email me at seri97@comcast.net I may be able to help.
you may want to play around with a pen tube in the lock to get it out. those older u-locks used to unlock pretty easily with that gimmick...

Thank you, everyone! Very kind. Because Mr. Diamond has my full trust and confidence, I'll wait to bring it in to our bike build.
Lee 'Angle Grinder' Diamond. Sounds like your new wrestler name.
I think just "Lee Diamond" is a perfect wrestler name in itself, isn't it? Or is it too Glam Rock?
Not to mention what an absolute work of art is the name Jackson Presley Diamond. As rich and complex as a good novel or 1982 Bordeaux.


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