I can FINALLY strap my bike to the wings of my 6 seater Cesna plane.

There is nothing about this that makes me worry. On the plus side it could be the start of the coolest bombing runs ever. Article New Zealand Herald

Bonus, after a wreck you can take your bike on an ambulance.  ARTICLE Mostly thought I want to find a way to get plane and ambulance to rhyme then it could get Dr Seuss, "Take my bike on a plane, take my bike on a train, you can take your bike on and ambulance..." and the meter falls apart.

"Injured cyclists can be reluctant to accept care if it means leaving their bikes at the scene of a crash in Northern Colorado.

Sensitive to the dilemma, Poudre Valley Hospital transports bikes with the injured pedestrians to the hospital. Fourteen of the hospital's ambulances are now equipped with bike racks on the front."

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From my experience with one bike on top of a car, four bikes must reduce the cruise speed of a Cessna 185 a few knots.  :-)

Yes, but that can be offset by pedaling the bikes as you fly. 

Poudre Canyon is awesome btw.  The road through there can have a lot of car/camper traffic if you're on a road bike.

Haddon, congratulations on your new Cessna 6-Seater ! Did you also get the Bmw Suv like you said you would during winter?

No, I decided to go with a Lexus but old habits die hard and I was putting my Lexus in the basement and it didn't go so well so on the advice of my attorney and assorted city prosecutors I'm going to stick with cycling for a bit longer.

Glad to hear that you're sticking with cycling. And also, happy first day of spring ! The crappie weather is gone !


Yup ! It's Spring fishin' time ! Yeee Haa ! Fish Fry ! Crappies fried 'n breaded ! YUM !

Yep ! The 'crappy' weather is gone ! Load your bike up with your fishin' pole and bucket and sit for hours fishin' ! Thanks Jaik. My bad.

Crappie fish fry recipe. Yum ! Beer batter !

Thread drift: sorry . . .

I think you were probably referring to Smelt? You often see people fishing for them at the lakefront this time of year.

Hmmm, try using a ceiling hook next time for storing the Lexus. A high end vehicle like that shouldn't drip much oil on the floor, although getting it on and off the hook can be a chore.


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