In the mood of thanksgiving, people get lost in turkey and football and don't stop to give thanks!

I just wanted to say I am thankful for my Bike friends. From everyone I've met at Critical Mass to Midnight Marauder's rides. I truly love geeking out about my babies and finally I am not judged for doing so! I look forward to seeing these guys at every chance I get and always laugh every time I do. Every time is memorable.

Thank you everyone for bike nerd friendship!

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Thanks for not being in the way of cars, bullets and disease.
I am thankful for the Chainlink which has helped lead me too another thing I am thankful for the Midnight Marauder rides.
Thanks for for beer, my bikes, and my chain.....tensioners. Na, thanks for the chainlink! it is a great resource for all.
I am thankfull that Leah had the vision to put the clink together.
I'm thankful that 6 years ago I stumbled onto cycling, which has since become my hobby and my passion. And I'm even more thankful that it led to the chainlink, which has allowed me to meet so many amazing people. Thanks to each of you for being a part of the cycling community, part of the site and a part of my life! :)
After going through a tough break-up, suffering a nasty broken leg/ankle, and more or less losing my job this year - I am thankful for all the things that will never change for me no matter what, and those things are family, friends, bikes, music, and all the beautiful people in the world I have yet to meet and learn from.

And of course I am also thankful for the chainlink - one can never have too many cycling friends!


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