Sponsored by the Brazen Dropouts Racing Team and Cronometro shop of Madison, Wisconsin, the 18th annual Bike Swap meet is an event not to be missed. This year it's on Saturday, January 10 at the Eshibition Hall of the Alliant Energy Center. It's like being in EBay or Craigslist itself. Lots of parts, gear, frames, whole bikes, curiosities, friendly people. See a short video of last year's event to get an idea:


Tip that my wife found out. If as in years past, the bridal fair is next door, pay the entry fee and eat samples to your heart's content, Swedish meatballs, cakes, cakes, cakes, much better fare than the hot dog stand in the bike swap meet. Also free gifts and the amazing bridal port-a-johns in
converted huge mobile home/campers for those pastorial, rural events.

And to complete your winter dairyland tour, you may be able to witness -weather and snow cover permitting- the sport of iceboating on one of Madison's several lakes. For that delight see the website for put to the minute postings:


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I've heard this is one of the best meets in the midwest. I'll be there for sure.
I picked up a great set of sora/alexrims wheels for real cheap and a specialized pint glass last year. Definitely going back this year. Lot's of cheap clothes too.
I'm not yet sure I'll be going, but was wondering if anyone might be interested in getting a table together.
Don't forget about the bike swap right here in Chicago on January 17, 2009.

Check out www.chicagowinterbikeswap.com for all of the information.


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