For real - can anybody tell me how to mount this beast onto the front of my bike or if it's even possible?

Humvee Rechargeable Bike Lamp

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zipties, duct tape, bondo, liquid nails and a pulley system.
Why not get a generator for your bike instead? When I'm riding and see one of those I think its a car!
Mount on helmet.
If you already have this headlight in your possession and you want to use this one to save money please ignore my comments below, otherwise read on

I think this will not work as a bike headlight. Here’s why:

1. Light Output. It may have a high Lumen output, but I doubt it uses that output effectively. There is some science to developing a reflector and lens that will actually project the light where you need it (i.e on the street in front of you, preferably in a nicely shaped beam). I can only guess that this reflector creates a nice round pattern, effectively wasting most of the light output by throwing the light up in the air. The only thing that does is blind oncoming traffic.
2. Runtime. Couldn’t find the runtime on this specific model (in fact it lacks any essential information), but related models showed a runtime of only 45 minutes. Unless your commute is 20 minutes or less you will have to charge that light twice a day. Typically that means taking the light of the bike, unless your charger plugs in right where you park your bike
3. Weight. Again, I couldn’t find the details, but it has a lead-acid battery, so it likely weighs a lot. Modern bike lights weigh a few ounces, but I guess this is a multitude of that. I guess it also makes it hard to install solidly on your bike. The weight will put a lot of stress on your zip-ties/whatever it is you use to secure the light.

If you do not have that light yet, but are looking into buying a light with a lot of Lumens/$, may I suggest you look at this one. Same price, but a bike specific light with a lot of well-directed light output (900 lumens rated; real-life output probably in the 400-600 Lumen range), with a 3+ hour runtime, for a lot less weight.

Get your attractive female friend to bring it (with the bicycle) to the hardware store. The staff there will figure it out.
this guy is focused......send chick and I'll mount headlamp.....hahaha...

Wild Bill said:
Get your attractive female friend to bring it (with the bicycle) to the hardware store. The staff there will figure it out.
If you must use this thing, by all means mount it to your helmet.
This is outright dangerous if not ridiculous. Not only would you attract 1000's of bugs but it is also a hazard to the drivers on the road. This will literally blind an oncoming car from a mile away not to mention that if you have it angled much like a headlight of a car it will blind you as it will be way too bright to see anything. And good luck seeing anything else around you as a light this intense will play havoc on your night vision. So if you were to look to your side all you would see is a blackness as dark as the space it itself! There are numerous regulations on how bright a headlight of a car can be, the angle it should be to the road, how far it needs illuminate for this exact reason!

Matt M

That thing is based on obsolete technology.
It uses quartz-halogen lamps.
These bulbs make more heat than light!!!!!!!
That is why the run time is ONLY Approx. 45 Minutes
If you put your hand in front of it you would get burned.

LED lights are the only way to go.
They make tiny heat = all power goes to making light only.
I use the same battery - it is a 12V 7Ah sealed lead acid battery -
to run 3 LED lights in the front and 3 LED lights in the rear.
I typically get over 24 hours of continuous run time!!!!!!
For me that means I recharge the battery once a week in winter and once in 2 weeks in summer!
One solution would be to just buy that same 12volt 7ah battery and run LED lights.
Just the battery costs about $20 at Illinois Battery Specialists on Irving.
You can get cheap 12volt based LED lights and a 12v trickle charger at auto stores.
I found that bike shops rip you off for lights.

I hope this steers you in the right direction.
May all your road be bright.
exactly why I should try to do it.

Ali said:
This is outright dangerous if not ridiculous. Not only would you attract 1000's of bugs but it is also a hazard to the drivers on the road. This will literally blind an oncoming car from a mile away not to mention that if you have it angled much like a headlight of a car it will blind you as it will be way too bright to see anything. And good luck seeing anything else around you as a light this intense will play havoc on your night vision. So if you were to look to your side all you would see is a blackness as dark as the space it itself! There are numerous regulations on how bright a headlight of a car can be, the angle it should be to the road, how far it needs illuminate for this exact reason!

You were kidding about using this thing, right?

If not, then you should put one on your helmet, one on a front rack and three on a rear rack (one pointing backwards and one pointing to each side).

Man. We could then see you from space.

Matt M. said:
exactly why I should try to do it.

Ali said:
This is outright dangerous if not ridiculous. Not only would you attract 1000's of bugs but it is also a hazard to the drivers on the road. This will literally blind an oncoming car from a mile away not to mention that if you have it angled much like a headlight of a car it will blind you as it will be way too bright to see anything. And good luck seeing anything else around you as a light this intense will play havoc on your night vision. So if you were to look to your side all you would see is a blackness as dark as the space it itself! There are numerous regulations on how bright a headlight of a car can be, the angle it should be to the road, how far it needs illuminate for this exact reason!

Id say try and mount it on a front rack or use a metal L bracket attached to the brake mounting area... if that makes sense. You should post some pics if you get it n :-) that would rock.


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