Lets pool all of our knowledge together for one singular goal...WORLD DOMINATION! Oops! Wrong thread. Please post all of you tips and tricks/do and don'ts of locking your bike and theft prevention. Please be as specific as possible. Around the middle of January I will compile all of the information, research said information (to the best of my ability), and create an official how to for all cyclist. If for some reason you have volumes of information you can email me at 2poler@gmail.com, if you feel the urge to help with this task also feel free to contact me.



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I wonder if Ning made a new policy of maximum # of name changes in X-period of time,  and if that is why h' has been Howard's new name for weeks since he last changed it?  

Isn't about time for a new name Howard?

Thunder Snow said:

I was going to make a stupid joke about Ning truncating user names, because everytime I type in "Howard" it comes out h'.  But I won't. ;-P

And this thread on bike locks: successfully hijacked.

h' said:

When did URLs start getting truncated by the NING software?

You delete yours first Howard and then we'll delete ours...

h' said:

Oops, you're right.

Everyone please delete your responses so you're not part if the dreaded hijacking.

Tony Adams said:

I'm guessing that it was a user decision? As a test I'll just paste in one of those Kryptonite links:


I guess that is truncated also, but not as drastically as it appeared in Nick's post.

h' said:

When did URLs start getting truncated by the NING software?

Kevin, I use these two:


Front + frame+bike rack/pole: http://www.kryptonitelock.com/products/ProductDetail.aspx?cid=1001&...

Rear + frame: http://www.kryptonitelock.com/products/ProductDetail.aspx?cid=1001&...


Should I be switching to a chain and the NY Lock instead?

As Cameron pointed out, the advantage of a chain is that it gives you more flexibility to lock to other things if a standard rack is not available. Your solution is probably more secure than a chain.

Meg Matthews said:

Kevin, I use these two:


Front + frame+bike rack/pole: http://www.kryptonitelock.com/products/ProductDetail.aspx?cid=1001&...

Rear + frame: http://www.kryptonitelock.com/products/ProductDetail.aspx?cid=1001&...


Should I be switching to a chain and the NY Lock instead?

Thanks! So far I've been able to find something secure to jam the U-lock onto, so I'll stick with it for now.

I have the same EVO 4 mini (bent foot) that is usually too small for me to lock through the frame, wheel and an object, so I use it on the front wheel and frame. The NY lock is the better lock of the two. You have a solid anti-theft plan. 

Meg Matthews said:

Thanks! So far I've been able to find something secure to jam the U-lock onto, so I'll stick with it for now.

I came across something new today: a sucker RACK.  In Lincoln Square, I found a common U-shaped bike rack, and I was about to lock up to it, when I noticed that the bolts fastening it to the concrete were half removed and bent.  

Further inspection revealed that the bolts were easily removable by hand and the rack was not secure at all.  I proceeded to pull all the bolts and remove the rack from it's usual footprint, so as to prevent anyone from locking up to it.

Seconds later I spotted a beat cop on foot and told him about it.  He told me that there had been a rash of bike thefts in the area of late and that he would address the issue right away.  I also popped into the 47 ward Aldermanic office and they were very receptive to the situation as well. 

Here's some pics of the scene after I removed the bad rack.

Well done, Joe. Thanks.

I picked this bike up for Milagros at the second hand store. besides the other theft deterrents, heavy,ugly,cheap, it came with a built in lock(and three keys).

I think coupled with a u-lock through the front wheel and frame, it will be alright.

Nothing wrong with heavy, ugly and cheap ... been that way most of my life.

S.Presley said:

I picked this bike up for Milagros at the second hand store. besides the other theft deterrents, heavy,ugly,cheap, it came with a built in lock(and three keys).

I think coupled with a u-lock through the front wheel and frame, it will be alright.

I don't think these were expansion anchors (what are expansion anchors?).  These appeared to be simple non-threaded bolts.  I should have taken a shot before I pulled them out.  Before I touched them, they were half out of the ground and bent (you can see the bends if you look closely).  From my eye it looked like someone took a heavy duty crowbar to them.  

Cameron Puetz said:

Looking at those pictures it looks like that rack may have been poorly installed rather than vandalized. It's very difficult to remove properly installed expansion anchors. If the goal was to make a sucker rack, it would have been much easier to remove the rack from the bolts and leave the bolts in the ground. If you look at places where the city has removed racks, typically the bolts are left in the sidewalk and ground down even with the pavement. Looking at the bolts laying next to the rack in your pictures, they look like sleeve anchors that were removed whole. I don't know of any way of doing that without tearing out a chunk of concrete around them.

Joe TV said:

I came across something new today: a sucker RACK.  In Lincoln Square, I found a common U-shaped bike rack, and I was about to lock up to it, when I noticed that the bolts fastening it to the concrete were half removed and bent.  

Further inspection revealed that the bolts were easily removable by hand and the rack was not secure at all.  I proceeded to pull all the bolts and remove the rack from it's usual footprint, so as to prevent anyone from locking up to it.

Seconds later I spotted a beat cop on foot and told him about it.  He told me that there had been a rash of bike thefts in the area of late and that he would address the issue right away.  I also popped into the 47 ward Aldermanic office and they were very receptive to the situation as well. 

Here's some pics of the scene after I removed the bad rack.

Thank you, Kevin!

Kevin C said:

I have the same EVO 4 mini (bent foot) that is usually too small for me to lock through the frame, wheel and an object, so I use it on the front wheel and frame. The NY lock is the better lock of the two. You have a solid anti-theft plan. 

Meg Matthews said:

Thanks! So far I've been able to find something secure to jam the U-lock onto, so I'll stick with it for now.


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