I saw this last night and really enjoyed it.  Environmental, hippyish, anti-consumer, urban gardeners and the like would probably all enjoy it as well.


"How to Disappear"




It's kind of a longish read with all of the pages, but the illustrations and message are pretty good.


And...they do mention bikes!


Definitely makes me think of the HomeZone and HUB.

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Love it. Aside from the whole homicide bit.
Oh yeah...I wasn't too thrilled with that bit either.

Ash L. said:
Love it. Aside from the whole homicide bit.
Loved it...reminds me alot of the story of stuff
Homicide bit? Interesting.
Ash L. said:
Love it. Aside from the whole homicide bit.
I liked the story, did not agree with all of it, but the repetitiveness of "WallMart Nation" reminded me of a segment in this video. It starts at 4:32. http://www.youtube.com/user/ReasonTV#p/u/3/f6RyApIpENg, Cali focused, but it applies here.
"Maybe an absentee landlord will hire someone to burn down his building for the insurance money. Good!"

Hi, my name's Pete (Leki). And I'm a homicidal hippie.
ALL: Hi Pete!

Want to live off the map? Move! - to the middle of nowhere.

This author needs to get professional help.

Now it's time to see why I shouldn't ride with a helmet on my head...
It's a cute story, but the author failed to include the systematic extermination of everyone that wears glasses. I give his half-baked plan for agrarian revolution a D-.
And don't forget the death squads that go after anyone who has skin.
Michael Perz said:
It's a cute story, but the author failed to include the systematic extermination of everyone that wears glasses. I give his half-baked plan for agrarian revolution a D-.
First off I would never Borrow onions. Lend popcorn. And I like baseball diamonds, everything else is cool only missing the part about having a community home brew beer.


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