I am just curious about how much bicycles really slow traffic down? Do they really? I am always getting some jerk yelling at me on how I should buy a car or get off the road. I admit that most times I do ride in the car lane. I do do this for my own safety. Every time I have been hit I was riding quietly on the side of the road or in the bike lane. I figure if I am out in the middle no one can miss me. I do move to the side to allow cars to pass, but get right back in the lane as they pass. On my way home from work I did notice that I constantly have to slow down for cars getting in my way and swerving into bike lanes. I really don't think I ever slow anyone down. Once again just curious on everone elses stories and oppinions.

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Bikes don't slow anyone down to any significant degree if you are considering overall trip times.
Simple answer - you don't. For as much as I loathe that smug, self-important "one less car" proclamation, I will concede that there is an obvious truth to it.
As an "X" automotive driver, who frequently came upon cyclists... the only time a cyclist(s) have ever slowed me down was a pack of club riders in Kenosha riding 3 abreast in a hilly (no passing zone) area. I had to wait 6 minutes before i could pass them.
as an individual cyclist I am always having to slow down for cars, how ever.

Honestly not trying to detract from the op's point or derail the thread, but I've got to ask how often people riding really have things yelled at them by cars driving by?

I've been cycling in this city year-round for over 5 years, and I've only had a driver or passenger scream something at me maybe a handfull of times. I've had plenty of drivers honk and do sketchy/aggressive things around me, but I just haven't experienced people rolling down their window and screaming things at me to the same level others seem to report on this site and other bike blogs/boards. Just curious where people are riding that this type of yelling occurs on a semi-regular basis?

edited: Oh, and to answer the question, I don't think cyclists slow traffic down an appreciable amount. Most of the time, actually, I seem to be moving faster than the grid-locked traffic--especially in the loop.
I find that most cars are in a hurry to get to the red light, stop sign, or stopped traffic. When they get to this I end up passing them again. So, in my opinion, bicycles don't slow down traffic. At times we might, but not signifigantly enough to even be noticable.

arohr- I don't get yelled at much anymore either. I chalk that up to two possible things. 1. I am more attune to riding in the city and get out of the way when I "feel" that a car is going to do something stupid. (knowing that a car is going to turn when they do not signal.) 2. Cars are more used to seeing bicycles on the road and drive with us in mind.
arohr said:
Honestly not trying to detract from the op's point or derail the thread, but I've got to ask how often people riding really have things yelled at them by cars driving by?

I've been cycling in this city year-round for over 5 years, and I've only had a driver or passenger scream something at me maybe a handfull of times. I've had plenty of drivers honk and do sketchy/aggressive things around me, but I just haven't experienced people rolling down their window and screaming things at me to the same level others seem to report on this site and other bike blogs/boards. Just curious where people are riding that this type of yelling occurs on a semi-regular basis?

In the city, I get yelled at maybe once a year. But if I go out riding in the burbs, that's a different story.
As for yelling, definitely in the suburbs, not so much in the city. As far as slowing traffic, probably not at all when you consider the overall trip. I'm sure I've prevented cars from getting through the green light, but the average stop light in the city lasts 30 seconds. And then consider that even if they made the light, they would have been stopped at the next one; this is most noticable in the loop.

envane x said:
arohr said:
Honestly not trying to detract from the op's point or derail the thread, but I've got to ask how often people riding really have things yelled at them by cars driving by?

I've been cycling in this city year-round for over 5 years, and I've only had a driver or passenger scream something at me maybe a handfull of times. I've had plenty of drivers honk and do sketchy/aggressive things around me, but I just haven't experienced people rolling down their window and screaming things at me to the same level others seem to report on this site and other bike blogs/boards. Just curious where people are riding that this type of yelling occurs on a semi-regular basis?

In the city, I get yelled at maybe once a year. But if I go out riding in the burbs, that's a different story.
I ride every day and most of the time through the loop. I get comments all time.

Jeff said:
As for yelling, definitely in the suburbs, not so much in the city. As far as slowing traffic, probably not at all when you consider the overall trip. I'm sure I've prevented cars from getting through the green light, but the average stop light in the city lasts 30 seconds. And then consider that even if they made the light, they would have been stopped at the next one; this is most noticable in the loop.

envane x said:
arohr said:
Honestly not trying to detract from the op's point or derail the thread, but I've got to ask how often people riding really have things yelled at them by cars driving by?

I've been cycling in this city year-round for over 5 years, and I've only had a driver or passenger scream something at me maybe a handfull of times. I've had plenty of drivers honk and do sketchy/aggressive things around me, but I just haven't experienced people rolling down their window and screaming things at me to the same level others seem to report on this site and other bike blogs/boards. Just curious where people are riding that this type of yelling occurs on a semi-regular basis?

In the city, I get yelled at maybe once a year. But if I go out riding in the burbs, that's a different story.
people who drive cars are just angry impatient people in general; if they're not honking at you, they're honking at other drivers.
Cheers to you on making an ignorant generalization.

You have now forfeit your right to be upset the next time you have a driver, or anyone else, generalize you as a hippy, jerk, angry, trouble maker or anything else simply because you ride a bike.

Your generalization of motorists is just as ignorant as their generalizations of cyclists and just as damaging to cyclist/motorist relations; how does it feel to be part of the problem?

Jody said:
people who drive cars are just angry impatient people in general; if they're not honking at you, they're honking at other drivers.
I hate hippies, too; they stink too much!

notoriousDUG said:
Cheers to you on making an ignorant generalization.

You have now forfeit your right to be upset the next time you have a driver, or anyone else, generalize you as a hippy, jerk, angry, trouble maker or anything else simply because you ride a bike.

Your generalization of motorists is just as ignorant as their generalizations of cyclists and just as damaging to cyclist/motorist relations; how does it feel to be part of the problem?

Jody said:
people who drive cars are just angry impatient people in general; if they're not honking at you, they're honking at other drivers.
Interesting that your profile says you're from Portland.

Jody said:
I hate hippies, too; they stink too much!

notoriousDUG said:
Cheers to you on making an ignorant generalization.

You have now forfeit your right to be upset the next time you have a driver, or anyone else, generalize you as a hippy, jerk, angry, trouble maker or anything else simply because you ride a bike.

Your generalization of motorists is just as ignorant as their generalizations of cyclists and just as damaging to cyclist/motorist relations; how does it feel to be part of the problem?

Jody said:
people who drive cars are just angry impatient people in general; if they're not honking at you, they're honking at other drivers.


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