The Chainlink

How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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I saw 2 on Roose and Wabash. Streets I saw today are totally nice and agreeable like Essfresh said. But either the wind this am was coming harder at times than I like from the west or I had too much egg nog and 151.

More than I expected:  3 eastbound Milwaukee, 1 westbound Milwaukee, 2 eastbound Kinzie, 1 westbound Kinzie.  No one on Dearborn.  And the car traffic was very light.  And there sure is a lot of salt out there, so we should all be good even if we get that bit of snow.

Zero.  Not as slippery out as I feared, but all the moisture must have got into my brake and shifter cables because nothing was movng.

I'll probably borrow the WD40 from the security desk before I leave...

At least seven in Pilsen, Little Village and Bridgeport today! I'm back on the road after a rotator cuff tear and so happy to see more braving the cold than last year! Even saw a bicyclist at the post office, made me feel less awkward about leaving my helmet on inside. :D

Zero this morning. Much less wind than last night. Hopefully most of you get an actual Holiday this week and can stay in doors.


Zero here. But mercifully few cars as well. Easily the most painful ride of the year so far in terms of exposed skin. Wind from the north by northwest, so if you rode s/sw this morning you would have had a more pleasant ride.

I forgot to mention how light the traffic was which was certainly a pleasure.  Cover up that exposed skin!
h' 1.0 said:

Zero here. But mercifully few cars as well. Easily the most painful ride of the year so far in terms of exposed skin. Wind from the north by northwest, so if you rode s/sw this morning you would have had a more pleasant ride.

Will need some sort of radar to navigate if I cover up any more...
Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I forgot to mention how light the traffic was which was certainly a pleasure.  Cover up that exposed skin!
h' 1.0 said:

Zero here. But mercifully few cars as well. Easily the most painful ride of the year so far in terms of exposed skin. Wind from the north by northwest, so if you rode s/sw this morning you would have had a more pleasant ride.

I see the same one cyclist every other morning heading east on 18th at Halsted.  He (??) was swathed in balaclava and mirrored ski goggle.  Definitely jealous because my eyelids and my uncovered forehead was freezing this morning! 

1 at 5am. The streets looked hell ish outside my place so I decided to Divvy. The streets were actually quite clear except for a few patches in the bike lanes and connections of snow covered roads. Really comfortable riding temps this morning as well.


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