How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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I saw a couple in the Loop this afternoon, then two or three on the LFT.
I saw four this evening.

At about 4:40 there was one on Milwaukee northbound between Elston and Paulina. And he kept swerving in and out of the parked cars and riding right next to the parked cars.  And of course he did not have lights on the bike.  Made me nervous watching him, and I was glad to turn off and not have to see him any more.

It certainly did feel warm compared to this morning.  Left off a layer.

I've seen no one on the Prairie Path this week in Maywood or Bellwood, although I can tell there is at least one other rider from tracks in the snow.
1 on Augusta and 2 on Elston. After riding Divvy for a few days my bike felt super precise. Actually took a few blocks to reacquaint myself.

In my four mile ride i counted 15.

The balmy 20 degree morning had everyone out. I saw FOUR riders this am!

I saw 2 on Lincoln. But I also noticed way more traffic on my route than normal.

h' 1.0 said:

I saw zero, but way more cars than usual.

3! Slipping and sliding. Everyone.
I saw zero other bikers on Milwaukee from Logan to Chicago ave. If I hadn't had work, I probably wouldn't have biked either this morning..
Left at 6 am. Saw 1 on Webster and 1 on Damen. Really cozy without the wind this morning.

Despite the lack of wind, leaving about 7:25, only two on Milwaukee and one on Kinzie.


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