The Chainlink

Tomorrow during the day it is supposed to get into the truly balmy 20s.  Now that you are acclimated to 0 with -15 wind chill, what clothing will you get rid of for the heat wave?

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Perhaps the fur Russian aviator cap could just be pinned to your collar?  We might not have any more eskimo chic days!

I already dumped the wind pants this morning along with an inner fleece layer and I was still too warm with the temps at 13 and little wind.  How quickly one's perspective on "cold" changes!

T-Shirt and shorts.

I dropped the ski pants, a light balaclava and a thick under-layer.

I'll likely just drop the extra face covering and liner gloves. I'll keep the lobster gloves, balaclava, winter hat, cycling tights under jeans, and three upper layers.

Yes. I will lose one layer pretty much everywhere. Mostly that is a thin base-layer/glove linery kind of layer.

i dropped one layer under my jacket, the ski pants, and those cheap stretchie gloves that i was wearing under my regular gloves.

one less shirt layer

lighter outer pants

sock liners go away

no balaclava

from mittens back to gloves


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