I have a feeling some of us on here have more bikes than we wish to admit. I'm up to 3 so far. Bianchi Road, Giant Mountain, and Trek Hybrid (which is currently abroad).


UPDATE (as of 6/8/11) - I'm up to 6 now... 2 aren't ride-able at the moment though.

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I think that I'm with the majority here in thinking that more is better when I comes to bikes.
I think I have 8 fully built and ridable bikes at the moment and 4 naked frames and countless wheels and boxes and boxes of assorted crap.
Also, I just bought another frame today.

Oh yeah, my roommate also has two bikes.


Take it from an inveterate bike collector/user (I do ride all of my bikes around 10K per year): you cannot have too many bikes. Ride on!

Dottie said:
Currently I have only one. Reading everyone's replies is making me feel better about looking for a second bike to buy!
Bravo Rusty, Bravo!

Rusty Piton said:
I think that I'm with the majority here in thinking that more is better when I comes to bikes.
I think I have 8 fully built and ridable bikes at the moment and 4 naked frames and countless wheels and boxes and boxes of assorted crap.
Also, I just bought another frame today.

Oh yeah, my roommate also has two bikes.

Julie, I have an Azor Oma. A great bike, but sometimes a girl wants to go a bit faster.

Stuart, I like that thinking!

Julie Hochstadter said:
Dottie- what kind of bike do you currently have?

Dottie said:
Currently I have only one. Reading everyone's replies is making me feel better about looking for a second bike to buy!
I've got a shitload of bikes but I'm far from a collector.
All my bikes are nice enough but nothing super special or rare. Nothing I'd be totally devistated to see get run over by a bus.
Also, my bikes fill diferent uses. I'm not gonna do a cross race on my track bike and I'm not gonna do a high speed group ride on my extracycle. Likewise, I'm not gonna try and haul two 60 pound speaker cabs on my road bike.
And what if my friend comes into town from Colorado and dosn't feel like sipping his bike for a four day visit? Should I put him on the bus while I enjoy the freedom of riding? No. I have a bike for him to ride while he's in town.
I agree about having "guest" bikes. If anyone needs to borrow a bike for a shorter women friend from out of town get in touch with me.

Rusty Piton said:
I've got a shitload of bikes but I'm far from a collector.
All my bikes are nice enough but nothing super special or rare. Nothing I'd be totally devistated to see get run over by a bus.
Also, my bikes fill diferent uses. I'm not gonna do a cross race on my track bike and I'm not gonna do a high speed group ride on my extracycle. Likewise, I'm not gonna try and haul two 60 pound speaker cabs on my road bike.
And what if my friend comes into town from Colorado and dosn't feel like sipping his bike for a four day visit? Should I put him on the bus while I enjoy the freedom of riding? No. I have a bike for him to ride while he's in town.
I’m guilty. I’m up to five & half bikes. All made in the USA…

I met a young woman on the Lakefront who informed me that she owned eight bikes. How many bikes are enough? Where do you draw the line?

Go Green,

uh oh...I may go up to 4 tomorrow....
Do tell...

Julie Hochstadter said:
uh oh...I may go up to 4 tomorrow....
well? What did you get?

Julie Hochstadter said:
uh oh...I may go up to 4 tomorrow....
Impossible. I googled "overkill bicycle" and found this:
the answer is 72.

If you have 73 bikes you are really overdoing it.


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