I have a feeling some of us on here have more bikes than we wish to admit. I'm up to 3 so far. Bianchi Road, Giant Mountain, and Trek Hybrid (which is currently abroad).


UPDATE (as of 6/8/11) - I'm up to 6 now... 2 aren't ride-able at the moment though.

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You can never have too many bikes!
After giving a couple away I have 7 now. The oldest one I have had for 35 years, and I only ride it on January 28 because it was my Grandfather's and that was his birthday.
That's my rule.... I have to have some justification to keep each one, (and my reasons can get pretty creative).
I have 3 (and I know I am NOT finished collecting). You should see The Rat Patrol's garages. I'd say they're ranging above 30.
Three seems appropriate to me. I had five, now down to three that work plus one that doesn't (hard to justify a cargo bike when you don't have much cargo), plus another that lives with my parents. Oh, and I can borrow a few neighbors' bikes if, um, my entire extended family shows up and wants to go for a bike ride. Not that they even know where I live or anything.
It was one member of the RP. In his backyard and garage. =)

M.A.R.K. said:
The group collecting of the RP can hadly be compared to the individual.. Just sayin..

Ammo said:
I have 3 (and I know I am NOT finished collecting). You should see The Rat Patrol's garages. I'd say they're ranging above 30.
I used to have 3 bikes. The roadie has seen many miles and states and spandex. The fixie knows downtown quite well. The mountain bike I bought was chained up in the basement for over a year, so I put it on craigslist. About an hour after I sold it, my wife and I walked up to the store and saw my old bike and it's new owner cruising around evanston's lakefront before he headed back to chicago - by bike now instead of train. That was a happy day.

Keep the ones you ride, let others ride the ones you don't.......I'm probably getting a tandem next. Then a cross. Then????
I don't honestly know exactly how many bikes I have. Most are here at home, and some are at one of my jobs. Only a few are at or close to running condition. Most sit in various states of neglect or disrepair. The four main bikes are my 2 commuters, one soon to have the studded tires remounted, both with full fenders, rack, lots of stickers, and a thick patina of dirt. Next is my road bike, and last is my Specialized (soon to be done). This one is a 20lb carbon forked urban MTB. Mavic, XT, Thompson, new powdercoat- I cant wait. Oh then there is the soon to be added fixie....
If anyone askes you what is the right # of bikes, the answer is always the same-just one more. My landlord may disagree however.
3 is nothing. I ride three bikes regularly. Not at once of course. I ended up having 12 personal bikes in my collection and decided to sell a few recently. Now I am down to my RRB, vintage Windsor, 80's Centurion, Hyda folding bike, Mattel Stallion 60's toy bike, and a 1921 canadian CCM frame. And I still crave more...
It never ends.

Bean said:
3 is nothing. I ride three bikes regularly. Not at once of course. I ended up having 12 personal bikes in my collection and decided to sell a few recently. Now I am down to my RRB, vintage Windsor, 80's Centurion, Hyda folding bike, Mattel Stallion 60's toy bike, and a 1921 canadian CCM frame. And I still crave more...
i have finally been reunited with my 3rd bike...i missed you Trekkie!
I should talk. I have seven (7) of 'em sittin' in my dining room.
Overkill? How about always staying..... 1 bike short of divorce. Agree?
I have a Madone, Lemond road bikes, a Giant mountain bike, Trek VRX mountain, and steel frame Trek mountain track. Love and ride, them all!
show us a picture!

Stuart Joshua Holt said:
I should talk. I have seven (7) of 'em sittin' in my dining room.


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