Just curious about how long everyone's commute is.  How many miles do you do each day, to work or school and back, and how long does it take you? Do you take a bus/train to supplement your commute? And if you would like to add why you commute via bicycle rather than drive or take public transit.  I am not looking for detailed routes, just general information and I thought this was something that would be interesting to find out. 


I commute a total of about 16 miles round trip a day. The commute is 7.8 miles one way if I take Lincoln Avenue and 9.5 miles one way if I take the Lake Shore/Lake Front Path (my summertime preferred route). It takes me about 40 minutes on Lincoln, about 45-50 minutes on the LFP.  I am not a fast cyclist, and I tend to stop at every light/stop sign. Sometimes I will cycle to the train station 2 miles away when it is very cold or kind of treacherous out, but then it seems to take me closer to an hour to get to work. I hate public transit as I do not like crowds, gas is too expensive and I hate driving, and I love to ride my bicycle and get the "did you ride today?" question from all my co-workers.  



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5.5 Miles to and from work. Straight down Damen.
I commute 28 miles round trip from Skokie to the Medical District - I usually use Ogden, Elston and Pulaski.
26 miles round trip approximately. Logan Square (Humboldt-ish) to Hyde Park.

Being unemployed mostly and some light working from home really keeps the "commute" short.  Most of my riding consists of running errands like grocery and going to the post office to mail packages.  I rarely "need" to ride more than a mile or three from home for any one errand since this town is so dense and most of the things I need are near me.  


If I'm out and about running multiple errands it rarely will add up to more than 5-10 miles.  The only longer rides I ever take are group rides like the mass or just plucking around town joyriding when the weather is nicer. 

Thanks for sharing everyone- I really like seeing how much mileage people rack up in a day- I also use my bike to go grocery shopping, run errands and stuff like that too, and sometimes participate in things like Bike the Drive and other group type rides. Of course, compared to some of you guys, I am a commuter-wimp, but I feel much better knowing how many miles people are riding each day- especially when I get the question- "wow, that is such a long ride" although my commute really isn't.

my total commute is 19 miles each way.  biking is only 3 miles each way.  if i drove, it would take me anywhere between 50 min to 1 h 30 min each way.  there is simply no good way from chicago to the west suburbs.  my train cummute is only 35 min in one direction, 45 the other (extra non express stops).


most of my miles are racked up with everything else, groceries, errands, social rides, etc.


im at 305 miles for the year so far

My commute is 15 miles per day. Last year I commuted 132 times for 1953 miles. Hope to better that this year....

Mine is similar.  2 years ago, I was commuting 100% via bicycle, 15 miles round trip.  Now it's about 23 miles each way, 3 of which is done by bicycle and the rest by Metra.  (I keep one bike at home and another one downtown so even that 3 miles is split up into 1 mile and 2 mile increments).

In warmer months though, I was doing the full 23-or-so mile (depending on the route--the shortest I found was 21.6 miles but I don't plan on taking that way again, drivers on Pulaski that far south are not bike-friendly) commute at least once a week each way (not necessarily on the same day though) and I plan to get back to that as soon as I can.  

iggi said:

my total commute is 19 miles each way.  biking is only 3 miles each way.  if i drove, it would take me anywhere between 50 min to 1 h 30 min each way.  there is simply no good way from chicago to the west suburbs.  my train cummute is only 35 min in one direction, 45 the other (extra non express stops).


most of my miles are racked up with everything else, groceries, errands, social rides, etc.


im at 305 miles for the year so far

I take the Armitage bus to the Western Blue Line. Take that to Clark/Lake and transfer to Orange Line. Go down to Midway and Catch the Pace Bus #383 to Cicero/123rd. Unfold my Dahon D7 and ride 0.8 miles to work. Reverse is the same but I transfer from Orange to Blue at Library. And bike home from the California Blue Line stop about a mile. I don't have an accurate mileage of this route.


Either that or take the Pulaski #53 south and transfer to Pulaski #53A at 31st/Komenski. Hop off at the end of the line at 115th/Springfield terminal and bike about a mile south on the sidewalks along Pulaski. I think this route is 18 miles, one-way.


Just worked out my biking route again today.

This might be the summer I really go for it round trip riding!!!

7 miles one-way for the most direct route, 8.5 miles on the LFP. Either way takes me btw 30-40 minutes under normal conditions.

My round trip mileage is 7.26 miles. (3.63 miles each way.)  From Humboldt park to Goose Island and back.  On the weekends I go grocery shopping and run various errands. My weekly total tends to be about 46miles or so.

This figure does not factor in various group rides like critical mass or Midnight Marauders or any joyriding.

My mileage for January was only 157.05 miles.(I pretty much just went to work and back, and did only riding I needed to do.)  In warmer months I ride a lot more.

I ride to work because it is cheaper and faster than walking five blocks to catch a bus then wait for it.

it usually takes me about 20 to 25 minutes or so door to door. 

Under 5 miles round trip!  Mostly Damen to work and Leavitt back up home.  Easy to look tough on winter days when your trip takes 14 minutes!


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