I am just curious as to people's average speed when they roll around town. I know that some of you guys stay up in the 30's when you ride in pacelines and what not, but I mean for your average everyday commuting, bar-hopping, etc where do you like to keep your speed?

I clip along at about 12-16 mph, and I usually try to keep my cadence in the 85-90 rpm range. I guess it would be great to go faster, but I never really tried anything specific to improve my speed. I feel comfortable even though it may be kind of slow for some or most of you guys...

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Honestly 30's are a little unrealistic unless you are riding along with Lampre or Astana. But my average is around 16-18 if I am just going to meet some people given I am not fighting against a brutal headwind. And your speed is more than respectable. As far as improving your speed goes it is best to ride with a stronger rider whom will keep pushing you. As soon as you learn that you can dig deeper than what you really think you can speed comes on slowly but surely...

i ride 46-17, so i'm kind of a slow poke most of the time. but i'm ok with it, I never have to go very far very fast
12-16 is about right unless your trying to win a tour but like Ali said its always best to ride with someone that will push you. I still ride with a spedometer most of the time as i find its a good way to push myself if riding alone. I always wonder what gears people ride as i have 48-15 and I get going alright but i know a tooth makes a noticable difference
umm i broke my spedo..but when im goin to work , im usually running late so im about 25 or so...on ave its in the high teens...i can get it up to 40 with a tail wind or a hill...rollin on a 52 15. i might need new knees soon.
Go take your medicne grandpa. jk

joe kovach said:
umm i broke my spedo..but when im goin to work , im usually running late so im about 25 or so...on ave its in the high teens...i can get it up to 40 with a tail wind or a hill...rollin on a 52 15. i might need new knees soon.
My typical commuting speed is about 18-22mph. On a fixed gear with a 48x15 gearing. 15 miles each way.
damn.. 52 15? my knees would be done, son
My speed when actually rolling, on the road bike, is around 16-20. However, my AVERAGE speed riding in the city is more like 14, based on total distance to work and how long it takes.
My current commute on my Urban Guerrilla is more like 11-12, probably 16 or so rolling speed (no speedo on that bike).
I haven't had a speedometer on my commuter in a while, but when I did, it was in the 12-16mph range too. I've since upped my gear ratio from 42-16 to 46-16, so maybe a bit faster now, but my cadence is likely lower now too, so who knows.
If you guys are interested the guys at Chicago Cycling club have a roadie training ride on Mondays for people that have never road with a group. They focus on pacelines and other group ride techniques. It is quite fun. They start at Lincoln and California at 6:30pm. I believe they start on the 20th of April and go through September. They also offer a Wednesday night that is a little more advanced but not quite a Judson ride. Check em out! Don't have to be a member to ride.
I roll at 17mph and clip at 21.
i do...re-up'd my joint lube today...also my booze.
alex said:
Go take your medicne grandpa. jk

joe kovach said:
umm i broke my spedo..but when im goin to work , im usually running late so im about 25 or so...on ave its in the high teens...i can get it up to 40 with a tail wind or a hill...rollin on a 52 15. i might need new knees soon.


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