zero so far, but heading out soon for the Unofficial CCC New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride!
November brought new sensations -- moderate osteoarthritis and tendinitis diagnosed in right shoulder and arm, with suspected left shin splint -- perhaps in response to my ramping up my mileage in late October?? In any case my momentum was halted in the 11th month, with only 371.2 road miles rolled, pushing my total to 4,623.1 miles Y-T-D. Subsequently, I fell back to 1,326.7 miles behind Curt(is)2023. With a shin splint, wisdom is to give. it. a. rest. Hard to back off, and usually cycling is recommended as an alternative to running when shin splints develop! However, I don't want to cultivate a stress fracture. So there's that.
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