14.39 after the Unofficial CCC New Year's Day "Weather Be Damned" Ride. extrapolation for 2019: 5252.4.  :-)

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Bucolic Bob.

Closing in on my average of 3,000 miles

3111.2 miles cycled in 2019 after 431.0 miles (327.4 outdoor/103.6 indoor) for August.
608 consecutive days cycled in 2018-2019.

838.98 miles for August

4531.92 miles for the year

I was looking to get 5000 miles for the year but it's looking like I may surpass 6000.

924.99 miles in August, 4,948.67 miles for 2019. 

Entering September's song and the final third of the year, I have surged ahead of 2018's pace, adding 889 road miles (including 9 Perimeter Rides) + 80 hamster miles for a total of 6,035 miles y-t-d. Ahead of Curt(is)2018 by 408.5 miles and 9 PRs.

4056 as of Labor Day. 

1994.3 after Ninth Step Oktoberfest Almost-Century. extrapolation for 2019 up to 2686.

641.20 miles for September, 5,589.87 Y-T-D

6,615 outdoor miles as of 9/30. (290 indoor miles).

still on track for 7,000 for the year.

816.86 for September

5348.78 for the year.

3667.6 miles cycled in 2019 after 556.4 miles (404.4 outdoor/152.0 indoor) for September.


635 consecutive days cycled in 2018-2019. Sad to say that a broken ankle (non-cycling related) on 09/28 ended the streak inauspiciously.


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