18.3 after the Weather Be Damned Ride. 26F + 17 mph = 13 windchill, brr!

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yeah, there are those packs of runners, but they'll share the trail. whereas those walks for good causes can take over the whole thing for (it seems) miles.

eta hyde park (LFT @ 55th st. underpass): 9:02.

1326.9 after the F-12 Jul Alternative. on which i got to meet, and to ride with, at least until i couldn't keep up with anymore, curt(is)!

Thanks, Bob, for the F-12 Jul Alt ride. It was good meeting you all and enjoying some of 3F's finest.

July has passed with 1,164.4 rolling miles . With 6,419 Y-T-D, I am now almost 600 miles ahead of the pace needed to hit my target of 10,000 miles. I finished the month with 8 Perimeters (30 on the year) plus a 110 miler from Charlevoix, MI up to Mackinaw City and back.

1641.4 after an impromptu ride to 3f. a little more for this year than curt(is) for last month!

2594.2, but who's counting?

Now, Bob, that's a WEE bit of an exaggeration (but thanks for the nod.)

1736.8 after Mike Likes Beer

1925.2 after Pampered Century

The dog days are behind us, with 7 Perimeter Rides and 962 miles for the month of August. That makes 37 Perimeters and 7,381 miles year-to-date. I'm now 700+ miles ahead of pace. By next week I will have surpassed last year's total mileage.

With the end of summer, September and 1,315 miles on the month, I stand at 8,696 miles year-to-date. With 12 Perimeter Rides (plus the Apple Cider Century) in the ninth month, I have completed 49 circuits of the City of Chicago in 2016. Barring injury, I should hit my yearly goals of 10,000 miles and 55 Perimeters by the end of October.


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