zero so far, but hoping to get out tomorrow before the ice pellets and single-digit temperatures hit
260.5 after the Third Step Ride.
peter takes back the lead!
Thanks in large part to my new and improved commuter distance, I have 810 commuting this year. Toss in a 75-miler on the IPP to Two Brothers, a couple weekend Lee Diamond rides, and errands, groceries, etc. and I do believe I'm sitting at right around a thousand miles.
1021.6 miles with hopes of sneaking in my first century today.
880 miles for me so far. Mostly commute miles. Looking forward to spring and having more fun miles.
1,256.26 mi in the first quarter of 2015.
I've only owned my bike for about 4 days now, but I've done a solid 20 miles thus far. Very proud of that =)
Only about twelve miles. I've only done short commutes so far, and I don't bike when it drops below 5 degrees C. Got my start this month, and I've been dividing my time between digging up the garden and bicycling.
485.9 after Dark Lord Day (and Fourth Step) Ride
2009.7 -- Still hoping to get in my first century of the year (maybe tomorrow?) I need to justify my newest acquisition -- a vintage '86/'87 Litespeed.
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