The Chainlink

37.4, does that put me in the lead? :-)

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~2,400 commuting. Yay!

I am currently at 3940.


Deet 4.5mi said:

I am currently at 3940.
Just broke 1,000 miles commuting starting April 7th after not riding in 25yrs..,

4,722 miles as of this mornings commute.

Damn Peter, slow down so the rest of us can catch up.

Just kidding - Go on with your bad self.

Peter said:

4,722 miles as of this mornings commute.

Broke 2000 miles today. I'm really happy with that. Coincides with me deciding to finally sell my car that has seen less and less use this year. Anyone in the market for a used Subaru Impreza?

1256.7 after the Hegewisch Ride. Peter stays in the lead!

Wow some of you guys have ridden some miles! I'm at 398 for the year; mainly from running errands and using my bike as my primary transportation whenever possible.

as of today I am at 2260miles

Michael A said:

I am at 1385 as of today, still coming back from the pair of knee surgeries last season. two years ago (2012) at this time I was at 4000 :(

2885 as of today. I suspect August is going to see a bit of drop-off compared to June and July. No big rides planned, and the showers at work are closed for a couple weeks, so I might not ride to work as much.

4450 as of today need to pick it up this month.


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