37.4, does that put me in the lead? :-)

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1061.8, catching up?

I am at 1385 as of today, still coming back from the pair of knee surgeries last season. two years ago (2012) at this time I was at 4000 :(

~ 2,914 commuting miles.

Looks like Beans is in the lead.

Beans said:

~ 2,914 commuting miles.

1372 as of this morning, mostly commuting miles. I need more long rides and weekend adventures!

2,396 total, ~ 2,100 commuting thus far.

dang guys, 1757.

That's still damen impressive IMO...

Ifi Susana said:

dang guys, 1757.

Just broke 1600, with 80% of that coming after the beginning of March. Also, for the first time ever, brevets, solo centuries and weekly/weekend club rides have surpassed commuting miles, which is awesome for me. In addition to the miles, I'm down 14 lbs since March and riding 6 days a week, which I'm super stoked about. 

~2,400 commuting. Yay!

I am currently at 3940.


Deet 4.5mi said:

I am currently at 3940.


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