37.4, does that put me in the lead? :-)

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I totally buy it, I know people who did a few long training rides that were 30-50 miles in the brief window after the new year's snows and the snow on saturday night.  

100.5 after the annual three floyds ride. Deet said it was going to put him over 100, too.

I've got about 45 miles under my belt, with commuting and errands.

175.9 after this year's gastrocyclopubathon

215, mostly commuting. Some of it was probably not the smartest idea...

Not far enough...which means none so far! What set ups do you guys have for winter riding? Road bikes, hybrids, etc? Disc brakes or rim brakes? 

375 so far mostly commuting. I cannot wait for road bike weather.

258.4, after the second step ride. no commuting. i realized the other day i had a diy hybrid. road bike with rim brakes, old cyclocross tires, rack.

644 commuting miles YTD.

I don't keep track of my recreational miles 'cause that's the fun stuff.

Nice beans. I am at 575 for the year all in.

How far did I ride?  Not very far, just to the loop and back :p

129 only commuting--there has been no fun in Mudville this winter!  And I feel like a slug.  How do you feel better?  ;-) ?

h' 1.0 said:

My best guess is 130-140 miles.

When I think about the fact that I've ridden as far in two months as I used to ride in a typical weekend at one point in my life.... it's odd that I feel like I'm in better shape now than I was then.


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