how do so many bikes get stolen when they're locked up? does it happen late at night? i don't get it.

when, how and where do the majority of bikes get jacked?

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TWO points to Gryffindor!

Michael J Blane said:

Didja ever notice how disagreements get personal?

late at night in a remote area, sometimes near a train where it is loud so some one can break through the lock when the train comes by.

Actually he did ask you a good question; what is your contribution to the community?

You make a lot of decent posts on technical stuff but you spend most of your time just being a jerk to people who don't agree with you... so what, exactly, is the upside you you being around?

I very, very rarely see you at events or volunteering anywhere how do you give back to the cycling community?

Actually the question I really would like to hear you answer is this:  Whenever I see you in person you seem like a pretty nice guy and have very little negative to say to me or about anyone but online you are a huge prick; do you just translate poorly to the internet or are you a huge a-hole who is meek in person but likes to strut behind the keyboard?

James BlackHeron said:

One point to Hufflepuff!

Kevin C said:

A Jesuit professor once said to me, "Mr. Conway, it's not that I don't like you... I don't like you, but it's not that.." I turn that question to you.


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