How do you learn to skateboard? Where do you find one?

I think it's really cool that shops like Armitage have such a great skateboard presence. I'd like to be good enough to grab it and go when the bikes are under construction or if its just a few blocks. I could have one at work for lunch time, etc.

SO - how does an over 30 gal learn how to comfortably use a skateboard for transport? I know I shouldnt start with a supercheap board, or my experience will be less than rewarding, right?

Suggestions, anyone? How do you learn? What's a nice beginner board?

Looking for an Idiots Guide or Skateboarding for Dummies, I guess...


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These day's there's tons of how to's everywhere. Balance is the most importing thing to have/learn, look for a longer wider (old school) style board, it will make it easier to learn. There are plenty of online skateshops that sell company (blank) complete boards. Check here (it's one place of thousands)

Just don't get a board at Target
Ages ago I used to work at tom thumb in evanston. They're owned by AWH, a worldwide skateboard distributor. The store is an odd mix of beads, rubber stamps, doll houses, plastic models, general crafts, and skateboards. Going in there is an experience.

And you're right about not getting the cheap stuff. Sporting-good store boards are not made the same way as a "real" skateboard. But don't let a shop sell you really expensive wheel bearings - skate bearings are just rejected industrial bearings (or were when I was building boards), and skating beats them to sh*t really fast.
oh yeah - one more thing:
As for learning, go to a skate park. I used to go to Ramp Rock and Roll in mundeline. It's indoor, so you can go year round, and everyone is super friendly when it comes to helping a nooby get into it.
RRR is no longer in business. I'm 34 and have been skating for over 25 years and wouldn't suggest starting out at a skate park. Too may kids flying around in a confined space. Try an empty parking lot at night or a school yard. Gravel, small rocks, sticks and uneven pavement are your enemies. Watch out for them cause they'll stop your board in an instant and have your face on the ground before you know it. Large soft wheels are best for cruising around. I'd say get a long board like a Sector 9 or something. They're big, wide and stable. Ideal for beginners. Also, keep the trucks on the tighter side until you are rolling forward with confidence and loosen them up as you progress so turning becomes easier. That's about all the advice I can think of. Oh, get some flat soled shoes too. Shoes designed for running don't give you a good feel of the board. Hope this helps, good luck and have fun!!!
too bad about RRR, it was fun. I learned at parks, just go during school hours, always deserted. and usually less gravel than a parking lot. I learned a lot of balance on the 1/2 pipe.


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