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I was trying to figure out what kind of bike that looks like a pretty sweet ride.

The design and manufacture of Raleigh bicycles.

Speaking of Raleigh's snapped a pic of my mum's from the 1950's hanging in the garage.

How does she keep the stuff stuck to the bottom of the shelves like that?

Looks like a Raleigh DL-1 Tourist to me. 

A 1945 model I might guess.

I love the way it is hanging from the ceiling in the movie and wobbling all around as the actors turned the cranks and poked/prodded at it.  I don't suppose they had invented the modern bicycle repair stand at that time -LOL.  Maybe they just didn't have one on the set and some movie gaffer had to rig something up.

Motherly magic!

James BlackHeron said:

How does she keep the stuff stuck to the bottom of the shelves like that?

Thanks for sharing, Tim. It reminds me of my high school and college summers working in a factory and how much effort it takes to make one small part.

OSHA would close that plant! 

great vid.  thanks!

That's awesome, Tim.  Wonder how many fingers and hands were lost in the factory!

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  If y'all get a chance, go up to Waterford and request a tour.  Richard Schwinn is a very nice, great man who loves showing off his product.  

Incidentally, whenever he sees my 1200, he takes great pride in telling me that I have the last of the straight bladed 531 forks they made and they'll never make another one.  Don't know why, it's a goddamn gorgeous fork.

Cocktails, ahoy!


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