Another Hit-and-Run by another disrespectful driver?

Bicyclist trying to solve mystery of crash after waking up in hospital.

Injured cyclist, Charles Uth, 57, is trying to figure out this mystery and is wondering if there are any witnesses. Someone called in to 911 but they seem to be untraceable. His bike was also missing from the scene because first responders and police prioritized saving and stabilizing his life. When they and family returned to the scene it was gone. (Scrappers?)

If by chance that anyone saw anything. Please let us know. Thanks.

Note: In another bike crash in April of 2015 a Palo Alto woman, Kathryn Green, 61, a pedestrian, was killed after a cyclist coming downhill around a blind curve hit her as she was crossing the street in a non-designated (no crosswalk) area. This truly was an unfortunate accident and ALL in our USA cycling community send out our sincere and heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.
May we all respect each other and live and ride carefully within our communities, cherishing the love of family and friends. Ride safely.
May Kathryn Green Rest in Peace. +

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