Just before the morning rush on Wednesday, workers went about their usual routines outside the popular East Village Farm and Grocery in Manhattan. They set up the daily outdoor flower display, stocked the refrigerator, filled coffee pots and watched their neighbors make their way in the early morning sun.

Moments later, the scene was unrecognizable, with the flower stand in ruins, a traffic post ripped from its moorings and a tangle of mauled metal strewed outside the store where delivery bikes had been chained.



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Before everyone starts, recognize the sarcasm, please.

The deli workers were injured, one seriously, when the car ripped through the front of the store, the police said, but the cyclist was not hit by the out-of-control vehicle.

The car slammed into the fire hydrant, sending it into the air and crashing down on the Citi Bike. The rider was tossed to the ground and suffered only minor injuries, the police said.

Citi Bike (literally) saves lives!


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