If you're not signed up for our biggest fundraiser, the MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive, we're working with daily deal makers, YouSwoop, for an insane deal.

Sign up for YouSwoop here
and when event prices go up on Monday, May 10, YouSwoop will offer a low, low price on registration.

Hope you can join us!

Ethan, with Active Trans

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$25 not bad at all.
I got it through groupon.
I know that the registration money goes to a good cause but now I'm irritated as I paid full price and became an Active Trans member at the same time. Why not just make the regular registration price the same as the discounted price? Yeah, I'm irritated enough to make myself a Bloody Mary.
Hey Craig,

By becoming a member and doing the event, you saved $10 off the full price for both of those items.

Hopefully you also signed up early when we were offering additional "early bird" discounts ($5 off before 2/28 and $2 off by 4/11).

This special offer with YouSwoop went into effect with our $3 late fee and was an exclusive online offer.

We offer lots of incentives, discounts and online coupon codes to encourage registration.

We certainly do appreciate you signing up for the ride and becoming a member. 87 percent of your registration fees will be put back towards our work to make it better to bike, walk and take transit around the region.

Ethan, with Active Trans
It's active now on You Swoop. I saved a few dollars and that's important these days! Thanks.
If you contribute to ATA at the right level, you get to ride in Bike the Drive for free! It's about supporting the cause not registering for the event.
I bought one extra registration when this deal was going on but don't want it to go unused. If you still need to register online use the code below. First come first serve. My lose is your gain.

Registration online is closed. Sadly that was a wasted couple of bux ;-(
Wondering if Active Trans could find a way to let people coming in from out of town for Drive the Bike know that cable locks don't cut it (probably a pun in there somewhere) in this city? This is depressing.


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