Holy Fracking Cow-- Chicago's top bike thieves arrested



Actually not so exciting that they were arrested again, but that there's solid detective work, evidence, and publicity this time.

I can't say too much about these guys publicly, but this is significant. Too bad it took suburban police to reign them in, however temporarily.


Julie, I think it somewhat likely your coworker's bike is among those seized.  I know Chicago and UIC police are in the habit of checking CSBR as a matter of routine, but I don't know about the suburban police.

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2 pictures of the bikes ALLEGEDLY recovered from Kenny & Gilberto's storage locker:



Sorry, if we are gonna nit pick. They weren't allegedly recovered. They were recovered. They were allegedly stolen by kenny and gil.
Ha!  Thanks for the grammar lesson Gabe, but you're not diagramming the sentence correctly.  "Allegedly" is my weasel-word (trying to ward off lawsuits against myself or thechainlink.org) describing the location, not the verb.  "ALLEGEDLY recovered from Kenny & Gilberto's storage locker" vs. "Possibly planted by the police in Gabe's basement."  I have no first-hand knowledge as to where these bikes were found, though I take the police version on faith until other facts point otherwise.  It's been a long time since my grade school English teacher forced me to diagram sentences, and I appreciate the mental exercise!
How bout all get along in crucifying these a-holes. Nitpicking each other; does it really help???
well thunder then we are both right. they were allegedly stolen and allegedly recovered. and @in it, it would appear for all intensive purposes the chainlink is the wrong place to try and crucify kenny and gil which is why i'll play the garbage "allegedly" game. i can say from first hand interaction that kenny is a thief cause he told me so when i confronted him. so i have the flyer made if people want to distribute flyers but i won't be posting it. ask and i'll e-mail it to you. the flyer is made from public information and is legal.
Agree. FOCUS. I'll friend you and send email!

Gabe said:
well thunder then we are both right. they were allegedly stolen and allegedly recovered. and @in it, it would appear for all intensive purposes the chainlink is the wrong place to try and crucify kenny and gil which is why i'll play the garbage "allegedly" game. i can say from first hand interaction that kenny is a thief cause he told me so when i confronted him. so i have the flyer made if people want to distribute flyers but i won't be posting it. ask and i'll e-mail it to you. the flyer is made from public information and is legal.
I just sent a friend request.
Can we get these bums' faces smeared everywhere, & hope nothing happens to them?
carrie, sounds fine. add me as a friend and send a message with your e-mail and i'd be happy to send u a flyer. in it and jason -flyer sent

Police are looking for owners!


Link here.

wow - i agree. finally some good news.

NO...not good news, but GREAT news.


It's a slightly dated article (6/29). We provided them with a link to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry and they were able to identify two bikes from there. 


But it should serve as a reminder to everyone to write down their serial number and register their bike. 

Julie Hochstadter said:

Police are looking for owners!


Link here.


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