Holy Fracking Cow-- Chicago's top bike thieves arrested



Actually not so exciting that they were arrested again, but that there's solid detective work, evidence, and publicity this time.

I can't say too much about these guys publicly, but this is significant. Too bad it took suburban police to reign them in, however temporarily.


Julie, I think it somewhat likely your coworker's bike is among those seized.  I know Chicago and UIC police are in the habit of checking CSBR as a matter of routine, but I don't know about the suburban police.

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Wow! This is pretty exciting news!  I'm fairly certain that my Jamis was stolen by these guys as well.


Way to go Wilmette!  I'd be up for attending court.


T.C. O'Rourke said:
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:

"Do I see scum? Gotta get some Tilex."

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

-Travis Bickle
This is such a wonderful thing to hear.

Its so great to hear that bike theft is getting taken seriously by these detectives.  


I'm hopeful that with the high end bikes stolen and that suburban police are better at following through on bike theft there will be some justice for these angle grinder ***holes.

for those that were interested in posting fliers. the way to go would be to post the news article with a photo of the rear of the van stating that it was the vehicle used in the thefts from the article. you haven't done anything wrong and i would start with bike shops as a place to post. :-)
I have not yet spoken to the Wilmette detective in charge of this investigation, but I spoke to a detective with general knowledge of the case. Pretty sure these gentlemen were unable to bond out. Some of the bikes with which they were apprehended had a fairly hefty MSRP (>$6K). Bond was set accordingly (>$70K). Kenny always knew what he liked.

I am happy that bond is commensurate with the crime and that the value of the stolen bikes finally crept up to a level where someone in "authority" did something about it.  Stealing poor people's bikes is OK but once the rich folk with their $6k bikes start being effected the cops actually are forced to leave the donut shops and nab these guys who seem to be leaving their mark everywhere and can be easily found by any old chainlinker who cares to hang out at swap for a few hours to confront them.


It is good that these guys will be off the streets finally -at least for a little while.  But nature abhors a vacuum so I'm sure the niche these two parasites were squatting in will soon be be filled with fresh artisans willing to start plying their trade. 

It would be nice if the judge took into consideration that these guys were stealing people's vehicles--not just toys--in the sentencing.  I say revoke their driver's licenses for a couple years and impound the van.
These guys have been arrested and charged. They have not been convicted of anything.

Joel said:
It would be nice if the judge took into consideration that these guys were stealing people's vehicles--not just toys--in the sentencing.  I say revoke their driver's licenses for a couple years and impound the van.
james. poor people buy expensive bikes and rich people buy cheap bikes. dollar value being a guage for the severity of a crims is what keeps society from cutting off a hand for stealing a peach. and the fact that these asshats were busted in wilmette vs chicago would likely have more to do with the amount of crime being commited in that area. a detective in wilmette has far less on his plate than a detective in chicago. all the cop bashers just sound like whining 6 yr olds. pipe down. this was good work. and a crook was stuck in jail.


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