Anybody have any experience with the Holland Hundred over in Mich.? Would it be good for a try at a first century ride? (I'm signed up for the North Shore Century in Sept., but that's a long wait.)

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My wife and I did the Holland Hundred a few years back. We have also done the 70 mile loop. It was our first century, so I have mixed feelings. Once we broke from the pack and took the 100 mile route, there were very few people around. It seems we were riding alone most of the time. I saw very few sag's on that day. On the 70 mile ride I blow a tire, and a sag did help out. The route is great, and there is a pancake breakfast. I guess it is what you like, but I enjoy other riders being around.

H3 - Yep - Completed my first metric two weeks ago on the Little Miami Trail near Cincinnati. Was tired but not exhausted by the end, so I figure I should be able to do the full 100.


Probably would stay overnight in the area so I don't have to start out at 3 a.m.!

it's a great route, and popular. I have ridden in SW Mich a lot (grand haven, south haven, saugatuck, new buffalo, union pier, and up the holland). great scenery, well supported. bring plenty of fluids and snacks though in case the aid stations are not stocked when you arrive. also - michigan people are VERY friendly - they (just stop at a house with folks present) will offer cold water, lemonade, and often there are fruit stands along the way. be prepared for a few
dogs too ;-)


last weekend on Le Tour de Shore (day #2) we say lots of route markings for the HH ;-)
Thanks all! I think I'm gonna give it a whirl.


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