Obama Opens Offshore Oil For Drilling, http://nyti.ms/aReWfy

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is proposing to open vast expanses of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling, much of it for the first time, officials said Tuesday.

SERIOUSLY!? I mean really? He's not even going to wait until his second term to start acting like a full blown Republican like Clinton? The first person I hear say, "We need to (rally/vote/show support/remain uncritical) for Obama to keep a Republican out of the Whitehouse," I am either going to punch in the face or micturate upon them. 

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What is so wrong with drilling for oil and making us less dependent on Middle East oil? Or do you have something against the number of jobs this will create? Oh wait it will ruin the wildlife, and the ecosystem? I don't even know why people oppose to these anymore...

Yes, I am apposed to any job that further ruins the ecosystem regardless of how bad people need them. I am sick of companies externalizing their cost of doing business to the earth. If industrial processes ruin the environment a company operates out of then that company should be forced to pay the legit cost of that damage. You and I are not allowed such a luxury, why are corporations?
Well put Wendell berry would be proud.

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Yes, I am apposed to any job that further ruins the ecosystem regardless of how bad people need them. I am sick of companies externalizing their cost of doing business to the earth. If industrial processes ruin the environment a company operates out of then that company should be forced to pay the legit cost of that damage. You and I are not allowed such a luxury, why are corporations?
This doesn't happen to often, but you made me look up the meaning of a word.
Thanks extending my vocabulary!
The Great hOper is sounding a lot like yet another Son of Bush in office.
Duppie, no prob. It even didn't occur to me to link it when I said, "externalizing cost".

ALSO "micturate."
I was referring to the word 'micturate' ;)

Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer! said:
Duppie, no prob. It even didn't occur to me to link it when I said, "externalizing cost".
Pretty hilarious that with the guy pouring lives and money into lost wars, among other things, this is what people get pissed off about. Drilling isn't going to recover much oil, and no one is actually going to drill unless oil gets considerably more expensive than it is now, but so far as this puts our beaches and coastlines at risk and thus forces us to pay up a bit more of the cost of our insane lifestyle, that's a good thing.
offshore drilling, military tribunals in lieu of civilian trials, torture and rendition are now the positions on the left side of Serious Political Views.
Who says this is what pisses anyone off *the most*? We have room to be pissed off by a great many things.

Dr. Doom said:
Pretty hilarious that with the guy pouring lives and money into lost wars, among other things, this is what people get pissed off about. Drilling isn't going to recover much oil, and no one is actually going to drill unless oil gets considerably more expensive than it is now, but so far as this puts our beaches and coastlines at risk and thus forces us to pay up a bit more of the cost of our insane lifestyle, that's a good thing.
Ali said:
What is so wrong with drilling for oil and making us less dependent on Middle East oil? Or do you have something against the number of jobs this will create? Oh wait it will ruin the wildlife, and the ecosystem? I don't even know why people oppose to these anymore...


This does not do Jack to lessen our dependance on scary dusky terror oil while our consumption continues to increase and our energy policy remains largely unchanged.

What really pisses me off about this is that when I was helping activists pressure the Democrats to oppose drilling there was a lot of support. Then when O-Bombs was elected the social movement built around this cause died down. Now that he's effectively demilitarized the movement with lies and rhetoric there will be hardly anytime to assemble a coalition to appose him. Sad...

Ali said:
What is so wrong with drilling for oil and making us less dependent on Middle East oil?

That's just not true, read this: If We Drill in the US, We Don't Get the Oil

Dr. Doom said:
Pretty hilarious that with the guy pouring lives and money into lost wars, among other things, this is what people get pissed off about...

This is a good observation, I am not sure if this is the ONLY thing people are upset about (or that people will really be that upset). One would think that the same movement would exist opposing O-Bomb's war but I see so few at anti-war demos these days. It looks like the Anti-War movement in the US was really more of an Anti-Bush/Republican movement. When a Democratic is in power it's okay to kill random civilians.

Drilling isn't going to recover much oil, no one is actually going to drill unless oil gets considerably more expensive than it is now...

Do you have any facts you can cite? Because it was my understanding that when Bush proposed this a little over three years there was line of companies bidding to get into the regions. One of which I know was Transocean because they are desperate for equipment contracts.

But so far as this puts our beaches and coastlines at risk and thus forces us to pay up a bit more of the cost of our insane lifestyle, that's a good thing...

Our? That's an arrogant assumption. We should acknowledge that there is more than mere human concerns involved in issues of the environment. If you feel the American people need to suffer for their evil actions of aggression, that's one thing (and I would agree) but we should not sacrifice the planet in some sort of attempt at finding justice in an unjust system.


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