Where can I get some in the City at the same price they have them for on their web site?

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those. . . are . . sooooo coolll
gary indiana is only an hour outside of chicago too btw, less even.
I've always ordered mine online.
well then let's get together and start gathering to buy them in bulk.
They are cool, but they weigh your wheels down alot.
umygoshOhwowholywaaaaa......I NEED THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would just use them on Mass since I would be too scared to lock my bike up with them on it since each costs like 29 and you need like three per wheel for a total investment of almost 180.....ouch on the wallet but fucking awesome - I'd make my wheels say on one "Happy Friday" and the other "Puck You Car!"
That is the only time I would use them- on a Mass. For that they would be awsome.
I dont know what mine would say. Fuck-cars comes to mind.
I would go in on a group buy. we should get a list together
it could say "all you drivers suck my balls"
rod wins
oh my god those are so rad. if I was rich I'd get some.


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