Easter Sunday
April 12th 2009
Meeting at Cuba Marsh Forest Preseve
34 miles of Rolling Hills in Southwest Lake County IL

This is a Road Bike Ride with Average Speed of 16-18 mph

Map Route

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no takers??

I'll email themnow.
Easter Sunday Bicycle Services

Looking North

Looking South

Some Chicago Girls Enjoying the Hills

All Together Now

M.A.R.K. said:
BR>Also.. since you organizing rides out of the marsh, you shoud think about including Spring Creek road into one of your rides.. Nice, hillly quiet road.. And let me tell you, some of the houses off that road are jawdropping. Those people have houses and land bigger then they will ever know what to do with for sure, hooolllyyy crap I say! Spring creek is just soutn of Cuba west of 14 where it dead ends at Ridge.

If you like the hills you can always hop on N. River Rd. which runs from algonquin through fox river grove and tunrs to plumtree @ 14. Haggerts Bend rd. has some pretty righteous hills too but is short lived.

Sounds like your in Barrington Hills. Those people don't like cyclist...I don't ride where I'm not welcomed.

I'm interested in coming on some of these rides, but the first Sunday Metra arrives in Barrington (a short distance from Cuba Marsh as you've said) at 11:30AM.

Could future rides start at noon so more Chicago people could come out if they want, or is traffic too heavy by then so rides have to start at 9AM?



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