Hey you.... out there in the cold.... are you on Chainlink?

Kind of missing a "who did you see on your commute" today but for people you are not able to identify.  So here goes. I know you nord' sidersss are swimming in random strangers on bikes, but where I live it's not quite a daily occurrence to see another cyclist on my way to/from work.

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Chicago (?) crossing Oakley-- today (Sunday) shortly before 10.  Yellow rain jacket with hood up, red bike?  Hello?

Saw an unusual amount of folks east of Pilsen today. Awesome! So many smiling faces! I was in the bright green jacket with a black Timbuk2 bag. 

and by "unusual" I mean 5 or 6, that's a big number for down here! For the amount of time I spend on my bike every day, I don't see many people, until I head north. Boo.

Marshall Boulevard northbound and then east across Douglas Park, dark blue backpack in some sort of rear basket, around 4:30 this evening. Can you hear me?

Saw a guy with one of those cargo bikes that have the cargo coffin in the front, he had a yellow helmet, he waved, I waved back - that was both North and South-bound on Halsted.


Also, saw 2 people on Archer (between Western and Damen) they were NE-bound, The one in front looked like a female (clothing specific, and also had what looked like hand knitted or wool mittens), they waved, I waved.

Started a new habit, I started saying Good Morning (in English, Spanish and Chinese) to everyone that is at bus stops, corners, walking on the block that I am riding by. Not very many respond, but it sure makes me feel good on my way to work ! Ha ! A win for me !

I like it Manny!  Maybe add "are you on the Chainlink"?  Will have to wait until my mouth is not smothered, though, which looks like next week. ;-)

Manny Fuentes, 9.2 mi. said:

Started a new habit, I started saying Good Morning (in English, Spanish and Chinese) to everyone that is at bus stops, corners, walking on the block that I am riding by. Not very many respond, but it sure makes me feel good on my way to work ! Ha ! A win for me !

Is it bad I'm usually too in my own head to notice? I see a few other bikers every morning but no idea if they're randoms or regulars. You'll find me on Armitage/Courtland between Western and the Lakefront. Sometimes wearing a facemask and a pencil skirt...I enjoy the cognitive dissonance it creates :). Other times wearing a teal windbreaker. Always rider a Torker Interurban Mixte. 

'hey you out there on the road " good one h'

No, sounds like a good thing as long as you're mentally present for unexpected motor vehicle maneuvers.

Still, I think if you didn't see anyone at all on a bike most days, such an apparition would be likely to snap you out of your reverie.

Katie G 4.0 mi said:

Is it bad I'm usually too in my own head to notice?

I'm here.  I'm out there, too.  Though not so much lately.  :\

Guess which one is me

Saw quite a few bicyclist on Halsted tonight.

Some had lights (going north bound) some did not (both ways)

LOVED seeing the all silver "Cruiser" with what looked like a gas tank on the top tube. (North Bound), near Rapid Transit South.

Hated seeing some guy's butt-crack while he kept blocking me on the bike lane (even after I yelled out "Passing on your left !" and finally "Can I pass you on your left?") from just over the expressway overpass (sounth bound) to just after Roosevelt (where I finally had enough room to safely pass him on the left). I scared the living be-jesus out of him as I passed him because he was totally surprised by me coming up beside him (he must have had earphones in and cranked...still doesn't explain how he didn't see 3 blinking lights and 2 steadies flashing off of all of the reflective surfaces - lic. plates, street signs, cars, etc....oh well.)


Have a Great Day !






I see the same older lady on a pink cruiser riding over the freeway bridge on chicago between noble and milwaukee whenever i'm late.  she's kind of my gauge.  if i see lady on pink bike, i need to haul ass. 

other than that, i don't really see anyone consistently if i see anyone at all.  i take augusta to milwaukee to chicago if i leave by 7:30, any later than that and i just take chicago because i pass like 4 schools.  i have to be to work by 8, so that might have something to do with it.  i see some people on chicago between milwaukee and halsted, but (sorry) i have usually dropped most of them by the time i get to the bridge.  i'm on a black 87 cannondale crit, i'm probably wearing all black but i just got this badass blue coat that's all furry inside (we will see how that goes?  it hasn't been cold enough to wear riding yet) and i have a skater style helmet.  and lights.  also i just got these blue lights that you wrap around your frame from my sister for christmas, so soon i will be a a big glowing blue flash in the night :D  say hi to me, i like camaraderie.


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