I ride a fixed gear bike mostly just around town, however, I do longer rides as well, out of the city to go camping or to find the next best beer. 40+ mile rides one way etc.
Well now I am looking into purchasing a geared bike.. Yes ladies.. I said GEARED bike!!! So in saying this I want to hear from all of you about your road or touring bikes or in general about your geared bike. What brand you have, what you love or hate about it, anything you have to share. And some guiding suggestions to help me in my hunt for the best bike for me. I will be using it for longer rides and for carrying my camping gear more efficiently this year. Just a side note.. I am only 5"1 so I am pretty limited to frames as well.
I wish I was all pretty looking on a bike so I could have my choice pick of snazzy looking hipster wanna bee's in their prime who don't really understand that the best choice female is not always the one who rides a bike but one who wants too...
Hey Shar, you may want to talk with Julie Hochstadter. She just got a 43cm multi-geared road bike from Boulevard bikes.
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