Those that have ridden much with me know me to be a non-sufferer of people that would abuse our rights and safety as cyclists. Yesterday as we were wrapping up our second research ride for Lincoln Square and heading back a little before 6 we experienced two seperate incidents of the type I am talking about.

The first was when a huge-truck guy started tailing me after my bag hit his side mirror while I was in the bike lane. He wanted very badly to engage in some verbal back and forth but I don't really speak all-cuss, so it was kind of hard. In essence, his point was that I was bad because I hit his truck. My counter point was that I wouldn't have touched his truck if he had given me the required 3 feet of space, particularly since I was in the center of the bike lane. I mentioned to him as part of this repartir that he was right then and there riding right over the painted cyclist in the bike lane. I also mentioned to him that I was glad he had missed his turn and Happy Tuesday.

The next incident actually began before this incident, but finished after it.

We were all in single file on the Lawrence avenue bike lane heading west from Lincoln Square. A moped/scooter dude is weaving in between the bike lane and the regular lanes right in front of me. I hit my brakes on two occassions while he was doing this and was of course being extra cautious recognizing his complete recklessness and obliviousness to my presence. As we pulled up to the light. The conversation went something like this:

ahem - I may be removing certain exchanges in light of obeying forum rules -

Me: "You know this is a bicyle lane. There are no motorized vehicles allowed in the bike lane."

Jackhole: "This is a bike."

Me: "It is a motorized vehicle. It is illegal for you to be here."

Jackhole: "Why don't you let me worry about that."

Me: "I see. You are more important than anyone you don't need to obey the law."

Jackhole: "Well I feel perfectly safe in the bike lane. Why don't you mind your own *$&* business?"

Me: "It isn't your safety that I was worried about and it is my business since you are in my lane"

Light: I become green.

Jackhole: "&*! You"

He speeds off, only using the bike lane. We stop at the next light, and engage in a little more....debate. Then the first incident occurs as described above with big-truck dude. This is during the point where the jackhole, trying to gain advantage pulls right just at the intersection before my bag "hit" the truck's mirror. He ends up stuck behind cars jammed up before the turn onto Pulaski, which we are able to navigate around.

Later, he catches up, while pretending to pedal his moped/dickmobile/whatever and pulls right in front of me again. I hit the brakes pretty hard that time and got out the camera. He also starts cruising in the parking lane to the right of the bike lane and weaving into the bike lane as he sees me getting closer. I slowed up and he continued to do this, but also gave some nice shots of his license plate/person. Here he is:

I only wish I had grabbed the camera quicker to show more of him in the bike lane. I thought I had it on video sooner than I did, because it was during a time when he was weaving between the car lane, bike lane and parking lane. In this video, he is way off in the distance, but he is doing more of the same, though at this point just between the parking and bike lane. This was shortly after he re-passed us while calling me a loser.

So the practical question now....what do you do when confronted with such unmitigated douche-baggery? The photo evidence doesn't show his infractions and even if they did, the cops are unlikely to care.

How do you all handle this kind of nonsense? What is the appropriate response for this type of action by motorists?

Also, how do you look at the bigger picture......inherrent safety concerns of confronting idiots vs. standing up for your rights?

Cheers - Lee Diamond

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With this, you can have lasers AND a bike lane all the time!
Interesting....though you have to say, it doesn't seem that it would be any more effective in preventing people from riding in our space.

Ryan said:
With this, you can have lasers AND a bike lane all the time!
Queers on lil bikes? WTF does that mean?

Robert Beck said:
I pass by all these fucking idiots all the time, Riding with no Brakes, helmets, lights, cars in the lane, police in the lane, trucks in the lane, queers on lil' bikes! What is the a rider to do? Easy take the lane!
I've only observed this once.

I don't remember what street it was, but I caught up to the weed-wacker-on-wheels at a red and proceeded with the following:

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe the bike lane applies to you."

The douche kept out of the bike lane from then on.
Only if you can shoot people with the lasers. Unfortunately, I don't think you can.

Lee Diamond said:
Man, I am next in line for one of those laser bikes.

I agree, dangerous/unwise/embarassing/selfish behavior is just as prevalent in the bicycling community as the general populace.

Ryan L said:
Well he is not wearing a helmet so hopefully one of these days he will get hit and end up being fed baby food for the rest of his worthless life :)

Some people simply get a kick out of pissing others off and nothing will never change how they think or the fact that they simply don't care about anyone but themselves. People who risk the safety of others because they believe they are more important deserve to have their sexual organs removed :)

I was riding home the other night and almost hit another cyclist who came out of nowhere and crossed over my path (he had no lights on his bike). I ended up seeking him out to express how dangerous it is to ride at night without any lights. I thought I spoke with as kind a voice as possible which didn't seem to matter because he ended up flicking me off and adding a good ole $&%$@ YOU as he rode off into the darkness.

WTF is wrong with people? Why do so many people not only think they are better than everyone else but feel they have to go out of their way to let others know how just how "special" they are. Another reason I need a laser equipped bicycle which vaporizes ass-hats :)
This is still for the time being a free country. Feel free to be offended at what anyone says, especially if it applies to you. Usually the question 'what does that mean' only invites elaboration on what most people know already. I mean I was in the Gay Parade and hate that kinda crap offends the hell outa me, but is is soooooooo much fun. Next year I may just put on a straight parade so I can brag about it, cause Hell you know everyone really cares so much that I am, ok wait, tri-sexual, yep keep trying. O wait, I don't even like anything that has do do with the word sex, o wait which team am I really on, who is gonna score next. How come it was not until 40 years old I even liked porn. Please keep the bashing and racist rants coming, until our freedom of speech is taken away feel free to use it. Personally if I cannot offend the most idiotic people on the site, then what the hell am I even here for, bike ? ahhhhh I just chop and ride them. lol
You should consider posting your photos on (though it would be better if you had one with him actually in the bike lane). You can read about the site and check it out here:
When I looked at your photos I started to wonder where the mopedist (mopeder?) should have operated his contraption. I looked at the law and concluded that he probably should not have been in the bicycle lane. Section 9-40-060 of the Municipal Code of Chicago states in relevant part, "The driver of a vehicle shall not drive. . . the vehicle upon any street path or lane designated by official signs or markings for the use of bicycles, or otherwise driver or place the vehicle in such a manner as to impede bicycle traffic on such path or lane. . ." The Code defines a "vehicle" as "every device . . . upon . . . which any person . . . may be transported . . ., except motorized wheelchairs, [and] devices moved solely by human power." Since a moped is not moved solely by human power it should be considered a "vehicle" and hence may not use the bike lane. However, confusingly, the Illinois Vehicle Code section 11-1505 states in pertinent part, "Any person operating a bicycle or motorized pedal cycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway . . . except . . . when overtaking and passing another bicycle, motorized pedal cycle or vehicle proceeding in the same direction." I could see a moped operator citing this statute to claim that under the circumstances presented that he had a right, and was in fact required, to be in the bike lane.

Regardless, this guy acted inappropriately and unlawfully by cutting in front of you as he did. He does sound like an asshole. Unfortunately, being one of those isn't against the law. I still think you should post his photo on and see what, if anything, comes of it. (See my earlier post.)

Stay safe!
Using the word queer in a list of otherwise all bad things sounds homophobia to me. I'm pretty sure hate speech is contrary to the rules this forum, not to mention civilized society. Unacceptable!

h3 said:
Dunno, but apparently the person posting under the member name of "Robert Beck" has highly developed gaydar.

heather stratton said:
Queers on lil bikes? WTF does that mean?

Robert Beck said:
I pass by all these fucking idiots all the time, Riding with no Brakes, helmets, lights, cars in the lane, police in the lane, trucks in the lane, queers on lil' bikes! What is the a rider to do? Easy take the lane!
If there was a way to refocus this discussion on the matter at hand, that would be lovely.

Namely, these questions:

How do you handle actions by motorists who abuse the bike lane, cut you off, or endanger your life as you are biking in your rightful place?

What are everyone's thoughts on putting your safety at risk by confronting people who violate the above rules vs. standing up for your rights?

Cheers - Lee Diamond
Now THAT I'd have to come down and be part of. And I don't do CCM.

Route makers, start your map reading!

Brian Kennedy said:
Perhaps on our next Critical Mass we are going to have to take back our bike lanes instead of our streets. Hah! Wouldn't that be a sight; a 3 mile long Critical Mass all single file in a bike lane.
The corkers for that mass would probably need bullet proof vests like the towing guys in NYC and LA. That would be some serious delay.

Brian Kennedy said:
On the way back from the gym this morning, I was riding west on Lawrence approaching the Cicero intersection. To my amazement, the light was actually a solid green so I knew I wasn't going to have to stop. Wow. I heard a motorcycle approaching from behind so I started to think about what I was going to do. At that time I was in the mystical area where the bike lane magically morphs in to a lane of traffic just before an intersection and then magically reappears again about 100 feet after the intersection. I was pretty sure that the motorcycle was going to try and overtake me in an unsafe manner, so I took the lane, which I normally do at that location anyway for my own safety. I noticed he was still behind me as I re-entered the bike lane when it reappeared on Lawrence just west of Cicero. I made sure to place myself in the middle of the bike lane and even did a little meandering between the lines to discourage an attempted pass by Mr. Motorcycle Man. He merged in to traffic and there was never any issue and he was never technically in the bike lane UNTIL he got past me and then he used the bike lane to surpass stopped traffic all the way up to where Lawrence crosses the Kennedy. After that, I lost sight of him. I was really hoping he would have gotten stopped at a red, where I knew I would have conveniently placed myself ahead of him and probably made a quick mention of his indiscretion. Perhaps on our next Critical Mass we are going to have to take back our bike lanes instead of our streets. Hah! Wouldn't that be a sight; a 3 mile long Critical Mass all single file in a bike lane.


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