Those that have ridden much with me know me to be a non-sufferer of people that would abuse our rights and safety as cyclists. Yesterday as we were wrapping up our second research ride for Lincoln Square and heading back a little before 6 we experienced two seperate incidents of the type I am talking about.

The first was when a huge-truck guy started tailing me after my bag hit his side mirror while I was in the bike lane. He wanted very badly to engage in some verbal back and forth but I don't really speak all-cuss, so it was kind of hard. In essence, his point was that I was bad because I hit his truck. My counter point was that I wouldn't have touched his truck if he had given me the required 3 feet of space, particularly since I was in the center of the bike lane. I mentioned to him as part of this repartir that he was right then and there riding right over the painted cyclist in the bike lane. I also mentioned to him that I was glad he had missed his turn and Happy Tuesday.

The next incident actually began before this incident, but finished after it.

We were all in single file on the Lawrence avenue bike lane heading west from Lincoln Square. A moped/scooter dude is weaving in between the bike lane and the regular lanes right in front of me. I hit my brakes on two occassions while he was doing this and was of course being extra cautious recognizing his complete recklessness and obliviousness to my presence. As we pulled up to the light. The conversation went something like this:

ahem - I may be removing certain exchanges in light of obeying forum rules -

Me: "You know this is a bicyle lane. There are no motorized vehicles allowed in the bike lane."

Jackhole: "This is a bike."

Me: "It is a motorized vehicle. It is illegal for you to be here."

Jackhole: "Why don't you let me worry about that."

Me: "I see. You are more important than anyone you don't need to obey the law."

Jackhole: "Well I feel perfectly safe in the bike lane. Why don't you mind your own *$&* business?"

Me: "It isn't your safety that I was worried about and it is my business since you are in my lane"

Light: I become green.

Jackhole: "&*! You"

He speeds off, only using the bike lane. We stop at the next light, and engage in a little more....debate. Then the first incident occurs as described above with big-truck dude. This is during the point where the jackhole, trying to gain advantage pulls right just at the intersection before my bag "hit" the truck's mirror. He ends up stuck behind cars jammed up before the turn onto Pulaski, which we are able to navigate around.

Later, he catches up, while pretending to pedal his moped/dickmobile/whatever and pulls right in front of me again. I hit the brakes pretty hard that time and got out the camera. He also starts cruising in the parking lane to the right of the bike lane and weaving into the bike lane as he sees me getting closer. I slowed up and he continued to do this, but also gave some nice shots of his license plate/person. Here he is:

I only wish I had grabbed the camera quicker to show more of him in the bike lane. I thought I had it on video sooner than I did, because it was during a time when he was weaving between the car lane, bike lane and parking lane. In this video, he is way off in the distance, but he is doing more of the same, though at this point just between the parking and bike lane. This was shortly after he re-passed us while calling me a loser.

So the practical question now....what do you do when confronted with such unmitigated douche-baggery? The photo evidence doesn't show his infractions and even if they did, the cops are unlikely to care.

How do you all handle this kind of nonsense? What is the appropriate response for this type of action by motorists?

Also, how do you look at the bigger picture......inherrent safety concerns of confronting idiots vs. standing up for your rights?

Cheers - Lee Diamond

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Oh yeah....a serious bit much! Forgot about putting that in there...thanks Brian.

Oh yeah, Jackhole mock pedaling his motor bike was a bit much. Really, dude.
I got his plate #, I know who he is and am gonna go beat the crap outta him and kidnap his kid (hold for ransom) if he pays out I will give you half, if not I must employ child slavery for 6 years to pay the debt. I mean you did give me his identity when you published his license plate. Remember you cannot control anyone;s actions, only your own. Personally it would not really bother me as much as you. You always have the choice to kick someone like that into the curb/parked cars/signpost. Truly that is what I suggest from now on.
I have seen this behavior far often then less, from these jagoffs driving their little mini bikes. I always see them in the bike lanes making alot of noise trying to look cool. What they really should do is buy a real motorcycle and drive on the streets.
I don't know Cutifly. Are you saying there is a problem with me displaying his license plate? I simply took a photograph of a jackhole that happened to show his license plate. On purpose I might add. My first inclination would be to report actions like this, but the evidence doesn't display the crime. However I have EYEWITNESS testimony. No, the fact is that the cops do not care at all about such affairs, and I have not a single week go by in my regular cycling life that doesn't involve at LEAST one incident of a cop abusing the bike lane to get around traffic.

Once when I was threatened with death from his car by a motorist who nearly hit me in front of a cop, and I directly stopped and asked the cop to arrest him I was told to get moving or I was the one that was going to get arrested. I saw the cop witness the entire incident 25 feet from him. He was staring at us intently and no doubt saw every part and heard every word we each said, so there is no question he knew who was in the wrong and right. More anti-cyclist cop stuff.

Another time, a cop car pulled into the bike lane, got so close he hit the strap on my bag, and CONTINUED to pull left into me, and I pulled into the parking lane and stopped, only to see the cops (driver and partner) laughing wildly at me. My heart was beating so fast and I was so freaked I didn't get the license/car number, but what would have happened if I did and reported it?

Come on.

Yes, Cutifly, I readily admit to showing his photo and license number. I would love to figure out how I would be able to get a hold of him as you suggest. I think that requires some sort of police access (catch-22) or secretary of state type access. See, then I could get his address and organize my 1 block-1 person mass with a trailer that says something like "Only anti-American, racist, conservative, xenophobic baby-killing selfish pricks ride motorized vehichles in bike lanes. Here's one. He lives right here."

Or something like that.

But alas, such action is not a crime in any way.

Like kicking him off his "bike" would be, right?

cutifly said:
I got his plate #, I know who he is and am gonna go beat the crap outta him and kidnap his kid (hold for ransom) if he pays out I will give you half, if not I must employ child slavery for 6 years to pay the debt. I mean you did give me his identity when you published his license plate. Remember you cannot control anyone;s actions, only your own. Personally it would not really bother me as much as you. You always have the choice to kick someone like that into the curb/parked cars/signpost. Truly that is what I suggest from now on.
Well he is not wearing a helmet so hopefully one of these days he will get hit and end up being fed baby food for the rest of his worthless life :)

Some people simply get a kick out of pissing others off and nothing will never change how they think or the fact that they simply don't care about anyone but themselves. People who risk the safety of others because they believe they are more important deserve to have their sexual organs removed :)

I was riding home the other night and almost hit another cyclist who came out of nowhere and crossed over my path (he had no lights on his bike). I ended up seeking him out to express how dangerous it is to ride at night without any lights. I thought I spoke with as kind a voice as possible which didn't seem to matter because he ended up flicking me off and adding a good ole $&%$@ YOU as he rode off into the darkness.

WTF is wrong with people? Why do so many people not only think they are better than everyone else but feel they have to go out of their way to let others know how just how "special" they are. Another reason I need a laser equipped bicycle which vaporizes ass-hats erasing any trace of their douche-baggery. Pew Pew Pew!
just something to stimulate the conversation with another point of view (right/wrong/indifferent) I always do like as much information as possible.
Man, I am next in line for one of those laser bikes.

I agree, dangerous/unwise/embarassing/selfish behavior is just as prevalent in the bicycling community as the general populace.

Ryan L said:
Well he is not wearing a helmet so hopefully one of these days he will get hit and end up being fed baby food for the rest of his worthless life :)

Some people simply get a kick out of pissing others off and nothing will never change how they think or the fact that they simply don't care about anyone but themselves. People who risk the safety of others because they believe they are more important deserve to have their sexual organs removed :)

I was riding home the other night and almost hit another cyclist who came out of nowhere and crossed over my path (he had no lights on his bike). I ended up seeking him out to express how dangerous it is to ride at night without any lights. I thought I spoke with as kind a voice as possible which didn't seem to matter because he ended up flicking me off and adding a good ole $&%$@ YOU as he rode off into the darkness.

WTF is wrong with people? Why do so many people not only think they are better than everyone else but feel they have to go out of their way to let others know how just how "special" they are. Another reason I need a laser equipped bicycle which vaporizes ass-hats :)
I used to let this bother me ... but no more.

Heck - they are improving the gene pool be being killed sooner rather than later.

DB (god .....why am I so cynical ::wait - WHO CARES !!! (dammit))

Ryan L said:
Well he is not wearing a helmet so hopefully one of these days he will get hit and end up being fed baby food for the rest of his worthless life :)

Some people simply get a kick out of pissing others off and nothing will never change how they think or the fact that they simply don't care about anyone but themselves. People who risk the safety of others because they believe they are more important deserve to have their sexual organs removed :)

I was riding home the other night and almost hit another cyclist who came out of nowhere and crossed over my path (he had no lights on his bike). I ended up seeking him out to express how dangerous it is to ride at night without any lights. I thought I spoke with as kind a voice as possible which didn't seem to matter because he ended up flicking me off and adding a good ole $&%$@ YOU as he rode off into the darkness.

WTF is wrong with people? Why do so many people not only think they are better than everyone else but feel they have to go out of their way to let others know how just how "special" they are. Another reason I need a laser equipped bicycle which vaporizes ass-hats erasing any trace of their douche-baggery. Pew Pew Pew!
"Light: I become green."


to answer a question: do exactly what you did, talk to the people and post it on chainlink.
I just want everyone to know, I never wear a helmet (although that may change soon because I have made a few cool covers), but I do often suggest drinking/drugs and unprotected sex with strangers as a good way to deal with their problems. Also I do enjoy riding without lights on the N.B trail late at night because it is really cool to see all the fireflies blinking in some sections of the woods. Funny too last night I almost ran into 2 people (1 on skates) but they did not have lights and I did not hit them so all was ok (it woulda been everyones fault anyway. Otherwise when I do see another biker on the trail with a light I switch in on and ring my bell. What really busted my balls yesterday (during the day) on Northbranch was the guy on the recumbent who was pacing very fast, I kept up with him for 11.5 miles and cut of almost 15 minutes on my usual time of 1hr 15min. When I thanked him for giving me such a decent pace, he looked at me and looked away like a stuck up jerk, and then I said "at least you can be polite" and then he had the nerve to say at least you can wear a helmet. So this guy thought he was better then me being on a recumbent with a helmet vs. a tallbiker without one. Now if he was such a concerned person who was not a total jerko, don't you think he woulda been nice and asked why I don't wear one or he would try to litigate something in order to make it a law (which I would obey). What is really nice about riding the tallbike all over town is it super easy to find the nice people and almost always assured I know who the jerks are as well. I can even predict the Marker Index for the day just with a jog to McDonalds on Tower road at 7am. I promise to drive more in a car this winter.
This is a problem (abuse of bike lanes) that really sets me off. Twice this summer I have had to get out of the way of people on full-blown motorcycles in the bike lane! Many is the time I have seen cars abusing this lane. mostly to pull over and chat with people on the sidewalk.

Delivery vehicles (such as UPS) parked in the bike lane really do not bother me too much. those guys are on the clock and it behooves them to move quickly. And when making deliveries you really do not have many options when it comes to parking.

But apart from that (delivery vehicles) I really wish that motorized transport would stay out of the bike lane.

And that Jackhole on the motorbike, and the guy in the truck. Sheesh! People seem to be getting more aggressive as time goes on. It makes me seriously consider exactly what kind of bike-mounted weaponry I can contrive.
I pass by all these fucking idiots all the time, Riding with no Brakes, helmets, lights, cars in the lane, police in the lane, trucks in the lane, queers on lil' bikes! What is the a rider to do? Easy take the lane!


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