The Chainlink

So, it seems that some feel it is my fault my bike was stolen. They believe my bike was locked only to itself in a courtyard apartment building. Here is a bit more info:

My bike was on private property. Inside a 6 ft high wooden privacy fence. It was underneath the building overhang in an unlit spot. Evolution Series U-lock.

Yes, it was outside in the backyard and true, it was locked to itself. Keep in mind this is a very heavy bike...not possible to carry by one person. Also, the addition of a cable that could have been cut with basic bolt cutters would not have prevented this.

Police do NOT feel my bike was locked inappropriately.

Most importantly.....supporting others in our community seems a better way to go about things. For those who do know me, they know that I am not reckless and unsafe. Ask them yourself. For those who do need to be making assumptions and judgments.

Mild rant over.

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For those of you who get it...that blaming and judging victims is not helpful or productive...thank you.

I did not speak well in venting my frustration and that likely contributed to some of the direction this post has taken; I apologize for that. Being caught up in frustration and freak-out does not always lead to clarity in words. 

To some degree that does not matter though and also kinda proves the point as to the desire to bash others. And to continue to misinterpret things. Ah well, c'est la vie. At least I got my venting out.

The one thing that perhaps all of us cyclists should remember as to locks. The one thing that nobody has even brought up here:


My case is a good example. Although it was not locked in the most secure of ways, it was out of sight to the street, it was much less visible than the totally unlocked sitting out in the open bikes, it was inside a high privacy fence on private property (not in a courtyard). I could walk down my block and identify numerous bikes significantly less secure than mine...they are still there today.


(No one lock, no combination of locks, is 100% impervious)


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