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Haha, though calling someone an asshole then telling them to do something will probably put them off.

The joys of roadsign hacking.
it would've been better if it had said "hang up"
I would've preferred "STOP TEXTING!"

Anne said:
it would've been better if it had said "hang up"
Q: How long has it said that?

A: Not long enough...

Ha, ha.
So brilliant. Best.
i-Hacked offers this handy tip for the next time you find yourself rummaging in the bowels of a Addco roadside sign:

Should it will ask you for a password. Try “DOTS”, the default password.

In all likelihood, the crew will not have changed it. However if they did, never fear. Hold “Control” and “Shift” and while holding, enter “DIPY”. This will reset the sign and reset the password to “DOTS” in the process. You’re in!
Me likey!


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