Hello happy peoples. ( and unhappy ones too)

I'm Mark, and yes, I'm new.  I have just started cycling in Chicago, and I must say, I love it.  I also love your site, especially the forums.  I wish I had found it sooner, It would have saved me from having my first bike stolen the day after I bought it.  Stupid me, used a cable lock.  I know, I'm an idiot.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing, is because I wanted to know if there is a way to flip the forum response's to have the newest one at the top.  So I don't have to go all the way to the last page, to read updates. 

If possible, someone could advise me on how?  I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for all the great info. Makes me feel closer to my bike, when I'm not able to ride.

As ever,


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Hi Mark! Welcome to The Chainlink.

I don't believe you can start at the beginning of the forums although it is a good idea.  We fundraised last year to make some badly needed updates to the site and having a more powerful search function in the forum is towards the top of the list.

That being said, here is the first forum post EVER on The Chainlink.  It's from Leah, who first founded the site.  It is from July 21, 2008. 

Mark the way to get to the end of a thread easily is to click on the Reply By XXX on the right side of the number of posts under the time since last post counter.

I frequent a site that allows you to click on a button next to the topic and it will take you to the spot you last read from... that is a sweet feature. 

Hugely sweet. Agreed.

Tim S said:

I frequent a site that allows you to click on a button next to the topic and it will take you to the spot you last read from... that is a sweet feature. 


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