Hey everyone!
Kinda new to the whole world, but I'm looking to dive in. I started test-riding a couple bikes at Roscoe Village Bikes (I think that's the name). Kim was a great help, and I really enjoyed the road bikes, but a new one is a bit out of my price range. The Jamis Satellite Sport was a nice ride, but $675. I know that's around the starting price for a new one.
Thus, I'm looking for used. My budget is about $400. I have no problem buying one and taking it in to get a bit of work, but I'd love some advice. OR!! If you have one you're trying to sell, I'd love to talk about it.
I've gone to "A Nearly New Shop" on the north side, but the guy I always end up dealing with seems like I'm inconveniencing him asking questions. Any advice would be great! Thanks in advance!
I found the 2010 Jamis for $585.00 and the 2011 model for $600 at Smart Bikes. I know it's still a bit out of your price range but it's a little cheaper. Smart Bikes is also a great local shop worth checking out.
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