I just gave my girlfriend her Christmas gift last week: I got a 1972 Triumph 3-speed off Craigslist and totally overhauled it, repainted it, new tires, cables, grips, etc.


Only it's a bit too big for her!  She's only 5' 3" or 5' 4", and she isn't able to rest her toes on the ground at all while on the seat. (I tried to teach her where you hop off the seat and position your body over the top tube when you stop, but she doesn't want to have to do that.)


I've already lowered the seat all the way.  Is there anything else I can do to make the bike fit her better?  Are there low-clearance seats out there I could replace the original with? (The original is a Brooks saddle like this one.)


Please help!  I put a lot of hours into this gift, and it would be really sad if she couldn't use it. 

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Marsha, this video might be helpful to you.

Thank you Tom this is very helpful to me.  Riding tips is everything I wanted to know about.  Funny how things change when your older.  When your young you just go haha.  Funny.

Marsha, my bikes all fit me and I cannot touch the ground while sitting on the saddle no matter what.  (I am 4'11").  All of my bikes have Brooks saddles.  You are right that you just need to get comfortable riding again.  

I started riding again at the tender age of 56. It took a while and a lot of practice, but now I NEVER come to a stop without getting off the saddle and putting a foot down.

This is so awesome Lisa.  I am in my forties.  How encouraging.  I am doing biking for fitness.  I am 5'2". I also have arthritis and an old knee injury so I need to be a bit careful. - But i have courage.

Im finally riding my bike. Only down side cant go far due to fitness haha.  I just had to force myself to start peddling and off I went.  Few false starts and need to learn the gear change uphill.  But Im all good.  The videos helped alot. 


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