I've been emailing craigslist for the past week or so requesting that they link the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry to their bikes for sale page. I have received no response and unless I can engage someone electronically or telephonically, my Jedi mind tricks are useless.

I was hoping I could impose on members of the chainlink community to send "suggestions" to craigslist making the same request. I am attaching a form letter below. As always, it may help to rework the letter a bit, but if you want to send it verbatim, have at it. Thanks in advance. 

I am a member of the Chicago bicycling community and I am committed to reducing the incidence of bike theft in the City and improving the chances of recovering a bike if it is stolen. Given craigslist’s ongoing
commitment to avoid serving as a conduit for those dealing in stolen goods, I
am requesting that you post a link to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry http://chicago.stolenbike.org/ at the
top of the chicago craigslist >
for sale / wanted > bicycles splash page. The Chicago
Stolen Bike Registry was created and is administered by volunteers and has no
commercial function. This link would provide a quick means for your Chicago
area users to cross-reference bikes offered for sale with bikes known to be
stolen and would also serve as a convenient place to register a stolen bike in
conjunction with the craigslist classifieds. Your cooperation is greatly

Send it on the form here:

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A commendable effort Kevin. I hope this penetrates their various layers of disinterest considering they still have the link at the top for the "Chicagoland Bicycle Federation". I just sent mine in and suggested they update that link as well, not to diffuse the point, but come on! 3 years later?
You're welcome you're welcome you're welcome. (and here's the bump for the post-5:00 pm crowd)

H3N3 said:
Thank you thank you thank you!
Howard, after looking over that site in detail and with those stat's I think you are a total genius. How could CL not want this ?
And I trust your enthusiasm means you sent an email to craigslist, Marty?

cutifly said:
Howard, after looking over that site in detail and with those stat's I think you are a total genius. How could CL not want this ?
No, but I may when I get a few moments on Friday...

Kevin Conway said:
And I trust your enthusiasm means you sent an email to craigslist, Marty?

cutifly said:
Howard, after looking over that site in detail and with those stat's I think you are a total genius. How could CL not want this ?
I sent in an email of my own. Feel free to use/modify.

Many cyclists in the Chicago area rely heavily on Craigslist's services for buying, selling, and maintaining bicycles. For that, we are grateful. We know that you are committed to providing honest and legal services to communities, and for that reason I implore you to add a link to the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry (http://chicago.stolenbike.org) on the [craigslist > for sale / wanted > bicycles] splash page. Bicycle theft is a growing problem in Chicago, and we believe that the overwhelming majority of Craigslist users would like to avoid purchasing stolen goods. A simple link to the Stolen Bike Registry would allow users to check if an advertised bike is likely stolen. It would be a tremendous contribution to the cycling community, and one for which we would be eternally thankful.

- name

Cyclist and frequent Craigslist user
Totally against this idea.

If this works (and no stolen bikes ever get put on craigslist) then bike thieves are just going to go underground and sell bikes in a less visible venue. If my bike is ever stolen then I WANT them to list it on craigslist. I have a better chance of intercepting it that way. If it ends up in sold within a neighborhood or at a swap meet then it's "bye-bye" bike.

Don't get me wrong I think the Stolen Bike Registry is awesome. I think every potential cycling enthusiast in Chicago should know about it but at the same time, I hope no bike thief in Chicago is ever aware of it. Or prevents them from being dumb and trying to sell it on craigslist.
Clearly you didn't read the letter, or the post. It's a link on craigslist. It is in addition to, not instead of, stolen bike posts on craigslist. Nice populist rage, though.

Jin Kim said:
Totally against this idea.
If this works (and no stolen bikes ever get put on craigslist) then bike thieves are just going to go underground and sell bikes in a less visible venue. If my bike is ever stolen then I WANT them to list it on craigslist. I have a better chance of intercepting it that way. If it ends up in sold within a neighborhood or at a swap meet then it's "bye-bye" bike.
Don't get me wrong I think the Stolen Bike Registry is awesome. I think every potential cycling enthusiast in Chicago should know about it but at the same time, I hope no bike thief in Chicago is ever aware of it. Or prevents them from being dumb and trying to sell it on craigslist.
I know you read the post, cause what you said does make sense.

Jin Kim said:
Totally against this idea.

If this works (and no stolen bikes ever get put on craigslist) then bike thieves are just going to go underground and sell bikes in a less visible venue. If my bike is ever stolen then I WANT them to list it on craigslist. I have a better chance of intercepting it that way. If it ends up in sold within a neighborhood or at a swap meet then it's "bye-bye" bike.

Don't get me wrong I think the Stolen Bike Registry is awesome. I think every potential cycling enthusiast in Chicago should know about it but at the same time, I hope no bike thief in Chicago is ever aware of it. Or prevents them from being dumb and trying to sell it on craigslist.
What? How do you not understand what I wrote?

First of all I clearly read your post. If I hadn't it would be a damn miracle that my comment managed to contain the words "craigslist" stolen bike registry" and hell even, "Chicago" instead of my more favored words like "ice cream" "neckbeard" and "crotch thrust."

I understand that you want craigslist to put a link on top of the bike for sale page.


My whole point is that I don't want potential bike thieves to see that link and decide they shouldn't sell their ill gotten gains on craigslist anymore, thus severely limiting the chances of finding some douchebag selling my stolen bike on craigslist.

Do you honestly think if there's a link to the registry that said potential used bike shopper is going to go to such lengths to make sure the bike they're going to buy is on the up-and-up? Do you actually think the average craigslist shopper is that honest and pro-active about their honesty?

All it's going to do is scare away anyone dumb enough to sell a stolen bike in such a public, traceable manner.

Kevin Conway said:
Clearly you didn't read the letter, or the post. It's a link on craigslist. It is in addition to, not instead of, stolen bike posts on craigslist. Nice populist rage, though.

Jin Kim said:
Totally against this idea.
If this works (and no stolen bikes ever get put on craigslist) then bike thieves are just going to go underground and sell bikes in a less visible venue. If my bike is ever stolen then I WANT them to list it on craigslist. I have a better chance of intercepting it that way. If it ends up in sold within a neighborhood or at a swap meet then it's "bye-bye" bike.
Don't get me wrong I think the Stolen Bike Registry is awesome. I think every potential cycling enthusiast in Chicago should know about it but at the same time, I hope no bike thief in Chicago is ever aware of it. Or prevents them from being dumb and trying to sell it on craigslist.
Got it. I misunderstood your post.

There are at present 1541 bikes identified in the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry.
The reported recovery rate is 1.36%.

You're worried that posting a link to craigslist will drive bike thieves underground.
I think you give them too much credit.

Jin Kim said:
What? How do you not understand what I wrote?

First of all I clearly read your post. If I hadn't it would be a damn miracle that my comment managed to contain the words "craigslist" stolen bike registry" and hell even, "Chicago" instead of my more favored words like "ice cream" "neckbeard" and "crotch thrust."

I understand that you want craigslist to put a link on top of the bike for sale page.


My whole point is that I don't want potential bike thieves to see that link and decide they shouldn't sell their ill gotten gains on craigslist anymore, thus severely limiting the chances of finding some douchebag selling my stolen bike on craigslist.

Do you honestly think if there's a link to the registry that said potential used bike shopper is going to go to such lengths to make sure the bike they're going to buy is on the up-and-up? Do you actually think the average craigslist shopper is that honest and pro-active about their honesty?

All it's going to do is scare away anyone dumb enough to sell a stolen bike in such a public, traceable manner.

Kevin Conway said:
Clearly you didn't read the letter, or the post. It's a link on craigslist. It is in addition to, not instead of, stolen bike posts on craigslist. Nice populist rage, though.

Jin Kim said:
Totally against this idea.
If this works (and no stolen bikes ever get put on craigslist) then bike thieves are just going to go underground and sell bikes in a less visible venue. If my bike is ever stolen then I WANT them to list it on craigslist. I have a better chance of intercepting it that way. If it ends up in sold within a neighborhood or at a swap meet then it's "bye-bye" bike.
Don't get me wrong I think the Stolen Bike Registry is awesome. I think every potential cycling enthusiast in Chicago should know about it but at the same time, I hope no bike thief in Chicago is ever aware of it. Or prevents them from being dumb and trying to sell it on craigslist.
I see where you are coming from Jin, not that I agree or dis-agree. That is a debate unto itself and could only be proven by other examples or a test run on the site itself. It could always be taken off if it proves not to be worthy. I guess I am the only one who would take the time to look anyway, I do totally agree with that but I also like the idea of the link itself. Geez, so much to think about while I drink this Sam Adams. Don't take to much personal offense at peoples comments, I don't think they actually teach people reading skills in school anymore. I am guilty of it at times myself just not recently. lol

Jin Kim said:
What? How do you not understand what I wrote?

First of all I clearly read your post. If I hadn't it would be a damn miracle that my comment managed to contain the words "craigslist" stolen bike registry" and hell even, "Chicago" instead of my more favored words like "ice cream" "neckbeard" and "crotch thrust."

I understand that you want craigslist to put a link on top of the bike for sale page.


My whole point is that I don't want potential bike thieves to see that link and decide they shouldn't sell their ill gotten gains on craigslist anymore, thus severely limiting the chances of finding some douchebag selling my stolen bike on craigslist.

Do you honestly think if there's a link to the registry that said potential used bike shopper is going to go to such lengths to make sure the bike they're going to buy is on the up-and-up? Do you actually think the average craigslist shopper is that honest and pro-active about their honesty?

All it's going to do is scare away anyone dumb enough to sell a stolen bike in such a public, traceable manner.

Kevin Conway said:
Clearly you didn't read the letter, or the post. It's a link on craigslist. It is in addition to, not instead of, stolen bike posts on craigslist. Nice populist rage, though.

Jin Kim said:
Totally against this idea.
If this works (and no stolen bikes ever get put on craigslist) then bike thieves are just going to go underground and sell bikes in a less visible venue. If my bike is ever stolen then I WANT them to list it on craigslist. I have a better chance of intercepting it that way. If it ends up in sold within a neighborhood or at a swap meet then it's "bye-bye" bike.
Don't get me wrong I think the Stolen Bike Registry is awesome. I think every potential cycling enthusiast in Chicago should know about it but at the same time, I hope no bike thief in Chicago is ever aware of it. Or prevents them from being dumb and trying to sell it on craigslist.


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