I am in a class at DePaul which entails the acquisition of seven bikes, disassembling them, and painting them. We are creating a bike lending program aimed at high-schoolers in Humboldt Park.

We have the seven bikes, but we do not have the experience or knowledge to disassemble the bikes.

Would anyone be able to help out with this on either Friday, May 22nd or Saturday, May 23rd?

Please email me at gaelynricegingery@gmail.com.

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Hey Chainlinkers- These are great students who could really use the help with the project they are creating for West Town Bikes. If anyone has the time and knowledge, PLEASE help them!!!!
I would suggest posting more details, such as where the work will be done and how it is planned.
Are these bikes going to need to be reassembled after painting, or are we talking about some kind of art project??
Joe Urbanski said:
Are these bikes going to need to be reassembled after painting, or are we talking about some kind of art project??

No, not for an art project. We will need to reassemble them. We are creating a program that will allow high-schoolers who don't own a bike to check one out from West Town Bikes. We plan on doing the disassembling and painting on Friday and Saturday (22nd and 23rd), but if we can't find the help in time, we can still use next weekend Friday-Sunday (29-31st).

We will be working outside of one of my group members' house. He lives near Magnolia and Diversey. If anyone is willling to help, please let me know.

Questions - gaelynricegingery@gmail.com
NTLBM (it is Monday despite the holiday) Once again I would like to ask for help on behalf of these wonderful students. They could totally use a hand on the stripping as well as funding for the project. Please help them next weekend. Contact gaelynricegingery@gmail.com or post it here.


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