This weekend is the giant Renegade Craft Fair on Division street!  I'll be there again for my fourth year and will have oodles of cycling goodies on hand.  I wanted to throw it out there that I am looking for a few volunteers to stop by and help throughout the two day festival.  I'd be happy to barter a hat for a couple of hours of help.

The times I need help are:

Morning on Saturday and Sunday for set-up (9-11)

Mid-day Saturday and Sunday (1-3) so I can take a break and get some lunch

Breakdown on Saturday and Sunday (6-7).  The festival runs from 11-6 both days.

If you feel like helping out you can reply to this thread or text me at 779.875.1737.

Happy Friday!


Kozie Prery

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Erin,  I think I can help tomorrow from 1 to 3.  I will text you.

I'm not available to help but can vouch that the hats are very nice!


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