Particularly gruesome public safety comics on a site run by a friend of mine.  One lesson is, helmet or not, if a man in spandex asks you to touch his brain, run.

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This is the best way to discourage cycling.

If it is in a comic book then it has to be true...

So true.  Well, alright guys, I'm gonna go put on some sunglasses and go outside now.  See ya!  

Wait, I musn't do that -- I'd be sending a message to everyone that going outside is an activity that only the true adventurists should partake in.  

Adam, is it OK to put on shoes to go outside to protect my feet from stuff that will lead to cuts and infection?  I mean, I don't want to discourage people going outside...but...I'd like to go outside ya know.    


Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

This is the best way to discourage cycling.


Big Shoetm in cahoots with Big T-Shirttm have been pushing No Shirt - No Shoe - No Service Laws for decades and we have seen the end of Sole Freedom in our repressive world where nobody is allowed to go barefoot any more.


Is THIS what we want????

Follow the money!

That amount of sarcasm isn't warranted.

Zoetrope said:

So true.  Well, alright guys, I'm gonna go put on some sunglasses and go outside now.  See ya!  

Wait, I musn't do that -- I'd be sending a message to everyone that going outside is an activity that only the true adventurists should partake in.  

No one thinks that putting on sunglasses is an adventurist's sport. MOST people think cycling is, especially in the city.

What you are doing by using gruesome imagery in relation to helmet promotion is to continue to ingrain that idea.

The are much better way to promote helmet usage than this, one example being the "Helmets are sexy" campaign.

Unfortunately, this site is often only bearable when using heavy doses of sarcasm.  Sorry if you were offended somehow.    

A "helmets are sexy" campaign treats people like idiots, and appeals to (and promotes) the narcissistic side of human nature by saying that only things that are "sexy" or "cool" will ever make sense to the common folk.  I can't wait until we see girls walking around in really short gym shorts that read "HELMETS" on the backside.  Only then will we see a HUGE increase in cycling.  

Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

That amount of sarcasm isn't warranted.

Heya folks,

As usual wikipedia to the rescue. Here is some info that may help you better understand and relate to "Zeotrope." 

Cultural perspectives on sarcasm vary widely with more than a few cultures and linguistic groups finding it offensive to varying degrees. Thomas Carlyle despised it: "Sarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the devil; for which reason I have long since as good as renounced it".[13] Fyodor Dostoyevsky, on the other hand, recognized in it a cry of pain: Sarcasm, he said, was "usually the last refuge of modest and chaste-souled people when the privacy of their soul is coarsely and intrusively invaded."[14] RFC 1855, a collection of guidelines for Internet communications, even includes a warning to be especially careful with it as it "may not travel well".

Language of the devil!

"Everything is the devil to you, Mama Thomas Carlyle! Well, I like school The Chainlink, and I like football sarcasml! And I'm gonna keep doin' them both because they make me feel good!"


So wrong on so many levels...

I am seriously disturbed by these comics--and they plan to distribute these to eighth graders!    The kid was doored..because he was "riding his bike too close to the parked cars" not because some driver was inconsiderate and stupid enough to not check before opening his door. The comic didn't mention that at all (or any safety points on how to avoid being doored like watching for tail lights and whether the car is occupied, listening for a click, etc.). The fact the kids breaks weren't working properly was important and he shouldn't have been riding his bike that way, but face it Arizona that driver was equally responsible for the kid getting doored!  

There is another one where the kid goes between a truck the curb at a stop sign, of course the truck turns in to him and the kid is at fault for being a dumb-ass riding in blind spot.  There is no mention of whether the turn signal on the truck was lit, no comments about how the driver might have checked his mirror to see a cyclist....These comics are seriously one-sided.

April said:

I am seriously disturbed by these comics--and they plan to distribute these to eighth graders!    The kid was doored..because he was "riding his bike too close to the parked cars" not because some driver was inconsiderate and stupid enough to not check before opening his door. The comic didn't mention that at all (or any safety points on how to avoid being doored like watching for tail lights and whether the car is occupied, listening for a click, etc.). The fact the kids breaks weren't working properly was important and he shouldn't have been riding his bike that way, but face it Arizona that driver was equally responsible for the kid getting doored!  


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