My GF finally got a helmet, partly persuaded by the prospect of arting it up (from being around me and others with personalized headgear), and asked for help.

She's convinced she wants a decoupage of an octopus.  But I've been a professional artist, and though I've done some great decoupage, personally I'd lean to enamel (model) painting something bold and simple.  Other options range from stickers to sprays to sharpies to acrylics, etc.

We're hoping to make it happen Sunday.  So I'd like to quickly collect some example photos of great helmets in various media to help brainstorm method, style, hints, etc, and figured you lot might wanna play along.

To start, here's my helmet, the product of an Active Trans "Make it Reflective" workshop.  Meant to look like an evil totem face to scare cars away.

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Here's the octopus she wants.

Some extraordinary works by Belle Helmets (I love the phrenology chart one)

Here's a few from Pinterest:  (love the disco ball)

This looked pretty cool using a gold pen.  Sharpie makes gold and silver markers. 

I've started.  Collected our helmets and bought a few resale to play with.  Gathered likely paints and tools, and picked some best ideas.

Masked, sanded and base coated two:

The one planned as a test of decoupage went well.  That is of course a City of Chicago bike map, cleverly cut to conform to the curves, then finished vents and edges with bits and strips.  Awaiting final gloss spray coats.


wow !!!! what a great set of photos !!!!

Thanx!  I'd planned to finish them all before posting, but that could be weeks, and the map one looked so fun.  Eventually I'll likely give them away.


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